USA TODAY NETWORK评“the big short" 'The Big Short' review:Ryan Gosling sells dramedy that entertains, infuriates Adam McKay directs an all-star cast, including Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale and Steve Carell, in a harrowing, hilarious account of the housing-market collapse. Based on...
'The Big Short' review: Frustrating look at fiscal meltdown If a film can essentially succeed while also remaining essentially frustrating, here's a prime example. I'm conflicted beyond the usual definitions of "conflicted" regarding director and co-writer Adam McKay's "The Big Short," a ...
影片从四条主线出发,讲述了美国金融危机时,四波人抓住机会,从全球经济衰退中捞取了利润的故事。主线一:迈克尔·布瑞(最主要)迈克尔认为房贷崩盘的两个核心指标:快速升高的复杂性(rapid rise in complexity)和违约率(rates of fraud).迈克尔调查违约率的做法:1.直接找来卖的最火的前20家抵押债券的底层资产池来看,...
The Big Short is the film that “The Wolf of Wall Street” wanted to be. By Calvin Wilson FULL REVIEW 100 Charlotte Observer Dec 24, 2015 The Big Short, which he directed and wrote with Charles Randolph from the book by Michael Lewis, jumps off the screen in every scene and pins...
Check out the exclusive TV Guide movie review and see our movie rating for The Big Short
The Big Short, which he directed and wrote with Charles Randolph from the book by Michael Lewis, jumps off the screen in every scene and pins an elusive subject firmly in place. By Lawrence Toppman FULL REVIEW 100 Entertainment Weekly Dec 9, 2015 I suppose you could call The Big Shor...
The Big Short 1.Mark Twain:It ain't what you don't know that gets you into touble.It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.不懂的事情,你自然会多加小心。惹祸上身的是你自以为懂得事。2.Michael:You know me,I look for value,wherever it can be found.我的风格就是找能赚钱的...
The Big Short的书评。Michael Lewis 一直是我很喜欢的作者之一。第一次接触他的书是liar's Poker.文笔风趣幽默却又直白洗炼。没有传统商业书籍对于华尔街所谓精英们的吹捧与包装,也没有用常人根本看不懂的字眼故弄玄虚。 这本书也是...
“The Big Short” is able to use humor to bring levity to the horrors of financial ruin. But even the exposed truths of bureaucratic inefficiencies and unbelievable ignorance in oversight positions are largely diminished through quirky, mid-movie disclaimers about the poetic licenses taken to ...
For those still enraged that the financial institutions which orchestrated the 2008 economic...Grierson, Tim