The Big Short: Directed by Adam McKay. With Ryan Gosling, Rudy Eisenzopf, Casey Groves, Charlie Talbert. In 2006-2007 a group of investors bet against the United States mortgage market. In their research, they discover how flawed and corrupt the market i
大空头 The Big Short 别名:大卖空(台) / 沽注一掷(港) / The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine 导演:亚当·麦凯 演员:克里斯蒂安·贝尔,史蒂夫·卡瑞尔,瑞恩·高斯林,布拉德·皮特,梅丽莎·里奥,约翰·马加罗,拉菲·斯波,杰瑞米·斯特朗,芬·维特洛克,玛丽莎·托梅,崔西·莱茨,文峰,阿德普波·奥杜耶...
The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script 《大空头》是一部根据查尔斯·伦道夫的同名书改编的电影,讲述了2007年美国信贷风暴前,几位华尔街投资鬼才通过做空次贷CDS而大幅获益的故事。 Kareem serageldin from credit suisse he hit a few billion in mortgage-bond losses something most of the big banks did on a...
正当我准备退出电视盒子,不小心点开了一部电影,没错,就是《大空头》—— The Big Short! 若不是一开始看到batman贝尔和他的假眼,我是无法在被烂片羞辱了智商后,还有兴致去看一部based on the truth story 的类纪录片电影(比如The Social Network)。这将是一个灾难般的周末夜晚。。。 事实上,我为这次“突如...
第88届奥斯卡金像奖(2016) 最佳影片(提名) 迪·加德纳/杰瑞米·克莱纳/布拉德·皮特 最佳导演(提名) 亚当·麦凯 最佳男配角(提名) 克里斯蒂安·贝尔 最佳改编剧本 查尔斯·伦道夫/亚当·麦凯 最佳剪辑(提名) 汉克·科温 第73届金球奖(2016) 电影类 最佳音乐/喜剧片(提名) ...
Actor Reveals Iconic 'Elf' Line That Was Improvised & Nearly Cut From Movie 12/21/2024 by Just Jared Just Jared What the Cast of 1989 Hit “Christmas Vacation” Is Doing Right Now 12/20/2024 by Krittika Mukherjee FandomWire Amazon MGM Studios International Going Big On Brands With Creation ...
What Was the Big Short in the Movie? The titular "big short" inThe Big Shortrefers to the trading/investment practice of shorting, or selling short. When you short something—usually a financial security, like a stock—it means you borrow it and sell it on the open market, with the aim...
Other articles where The Big Short is discussed: Adam McKay: …the 2007–08 financial crisis into The Big Short (2015), a fast-paced film that used comedy to describe the causes of the crisis and those who profited from it. The movie won critical praise
“The Big Short” is able to use humor to bring levity to the horrors of financial ruin. But even the exposed truths of bureaucratic inefficiencies and unbelievable ignorance in oversight positions are largely diminished through quirky, mid-movie disclaimers about the poetic licenses taken to ...
主线二:贾瑞德·韦内特CDS :信用违约互换,可以将它极简为一种保险,看空房地产的人每年付保费,等到利率提高、买房的人渐渐还不起贷款,跟房贷相关的投资产品一一暴雷,整个房地产链条崩溃,保险公司或银行就赔付一笔巨大的保额。主线三:马克·鲍姆马克实地走访:(1)调研当地新房情况(2)调研二手房市场。i.利益一致性...