If the density of mass in the universe is great enough, its gravitational force will cause that expansion to slow down and reverse, causing the universe to fall back in on itself. Then the universe will end in a cataclysmic event known as “the Big Crunch.”David Goodstein...
that even atoms and subatomic particles would have to crunch together. 就连原子和亚原子粒子 也会挤在一起。 The result would be an incredibly dense, hot, compact universe — 结果就会造成一个非常高密度、 高温、紧密的宇宙—— a lot like the state that preceded the Big Bang. 很像是大爆炸之前...
网络大崩坠;大崩塌 网络释义 1. 大崩坠 星夜奇谭 ... 1. 爱因斯坦相对论 Relativity 2.大崩坠The Big Crunch3. 黑洞 Black Hole ... maxcom.myweb.hinet.net|基于12个网页 2. 大崩塌 宇宙大崩塌(The Big Crunch)—— 由于重力作用,宇宙向内坍塌,回到创世大爆炸(The Big Bang)前的起点。极少天文学 …...
One such theory, concerning the future of the universe, is playfully known as the "big crunch." According to this theory, the universe will one day stop expanding. Then, as gravity pulls on the matter, the universe will begin to contract, falling inward until it has collapsed back into...
Big Crunch n. One of three possible end points of the expanding universe according to the Big Bang theory, when the expansion of spacetime initiated at the Big Bang decelerates to a stop and then contracts, causing the universe to collapse. [On the model of Big Bang.] American Heritage...
This is the Big Crunch. Could this tiny point of matter explode in another Big Bang? Could the universe expand and contract over and over again, repeating its entire history? The theory describing such a universe is known as the Big Bounce. In fact, there’s no way to tell how many ...
of the universe would plummet until everything compressed into such a small space that even atoms and subatomic particles would have to crunch together. The result would be an incredibly dense, hot, compact universe – a lot like the state ...
1- There will be indeed a Cosmic Crunch when our ever expanding Universe finally collapses. 2- That our Universe is flat like a sheet of paper: "The simplest version of the inflationary theory, an extension of the Big Bang theory, predicts that the density of the universe is very close ...
If the universe has sufficient mass, its gravity may eventually pull it back into a "Big Crunch' (perhaps leading to another Big Bang event). If not, then expansion will continue forever, and the universe will suffer a long cold death....
density was high, then there was enough mutual gravity to slow and eventually halt the expansion. Billions of years in the future, it would then collapse in on itself again, perhaps creating another Big Bang. This is known as a closed Universe, and the final result is the Big Crunch. ...