Share on Facebook Medical Wikipedia Big Phar·ma (fär′mə) n.Informal The pharmaceutical industry. [Frompharma(ceutical).] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin ...
It's like watching an old movie at 2 a.m. Reliving all the classic moments. Part where he denies it's drugs. Part where the good guys ride in tests a-blazing, prove that it is drugs. Oscar clip. He can't imagine how they got into his body. 他是专业运动员,卡蒂!就像那些凌晨2点...
but we need to think it through.cross one's mind:想起过(某事)柯林斯英语释义:If you say that an idea or possibility never crossed your mind, you mean that you did not think of it.例句:
At the entrance to Margarita’s Place, a sign states “No Drugs, No Drug Dealers, No Loitering, No Weapons, The Los Angeles Police Department Makes Regular and Frecuent [sic] Patrols of These Premises”. Consider yourself warned. During U2’s video shoot, fans lined the street in front ...
The Tuesday Book: How the Big Drugs Firms Are Killing Psychiatry ; the Creation of Psychopharmacology David Healy Harvard University Press, Pounds 27.50Wheelwright, Julie
How I bust out of being so lonely I would pick up hitchhikers just to have someone to talk to. (pg 26) The stupid mistake that almost put me in a coma (and the one thing that saved me). (pg 27) How to use your competitive instinct to kick any bad habit (even hardcore drugs) ...
“你知道的,在这里没有几个人不和drugs有关系的,长时间联系不上也是常事。Beckley泛滥鸦片类毒品,你在沃尔玛停车库,TacoBell排队的时候都能看见它们的痕迹,烧过的锡箔纸片啊,装过□□的小纸包这一类的。” Hotcher听后掏出手机将名单照了下来,发给了Garcia“Garcia,我要你查查这些人当中有没有人最近两周至一个...
Fontaine (John Boyega) sells drugs, Slick Charles (Jamie Foxx) is a pimp and Yo-Yo (Teyonah Parris) is a sex worker. And while this trio may come off as caricaturish in a bad way if you only read that above sentence and watched They Cloned Tyrone's trailer expecting the worst, Net...
it’ll make you resistant to other drugs that might treat it, otherwise and it’s not a drug that’s meant to treat HIV; to treat you once you have HIV. It’s only to prevent you from getting it. –P4 (gay male, Navy) And then, when I say get Truvada off base, I mean, ...
The Big Idea The Real Reason Drugs Cost So Much — and Do Too Little By NICHOLAS BAGLEY 08/27/2023 07:00 AM EDT Updated 08/29/2023 10:11 AM EDT The Big Idea Opinion | There’s Only One Way to Control AI: Nationalization Opinion by CHARLES JENNINGS 08/20/2023 07:00 AM EDT ...