内容提示: 生活大爆炸第 十二季 季 The Big Bang Theory 英英文 剧本 第一集 Previously on The Big Bang Theory Can you believe our little lamb is finally getting married? He can't believe it. And neither can I. Hi, Dad. How you doing? Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce ...
Howard, Bernadette, Raj, Penny, Leonard, I apologize if I haven't been the friend you deserve. But I want you to know in my way, I love you all. And I love you. Thank you.” 这一幕让所有在诺贝尔奖的朋友们热泪盈眶,站在Sheldon身旁的Amy挽着他的胳膊,眼中同样闪着泪光,他们一起见证了...
第71届黄金时段艾美奖(2019) 喜剧类 最佳导演(提名) 马克·森卓斯基 第24届美国艺术指导工会奖(2020) 电视奖 最佳多镜头剧集艺术指导 约翰·沙夫纳 第23届美国艺术指导工会奖(2019) 电视奖 最佳多镜头剧集艺术指导(提名) 第9届美国评论家选择电视奖(2019) ...
Amy, and especially Sheldon, are still reeling from learning that their theory on super asymmetry, which Sheldon at least believed was his path to a Nobel, had long ago been disproven and thus will not be his path to a Nobel. As such, Sheldon begins to question what were all his natural...
生活大爆炸 第十二季 The Big Bang Theory Season 12 第19集 榜样的匮乏 全片播放 本集中文名: 榜样的匮乏 本集原名: The Inspiration Deprivation 播放时间: 2019-04-18 星期四 (当地时间)剧情简介: The concept of what it would mean for women everywhere if Amy were to win a Nobel Prize causes ...
《生活大爆炸》前情提要PreviouslyonTheBigBangTheory... 你能相信我们的小羊羔终于要嫁人了吗Canyoubelieveourlittlelambisfinallygettingmarried? 他肯定不信Hecan'tbelieveit. 我也不敢相信AndneithercanI. 爸你还好吗Hi,Dad.Howyoudoing? 我以"连你都能证婚网"Thenbythepowervestedinme... ...
Buy a series pass and get all current and future episodes of series Season 12 Can't play on this device. Check system requirements. Other series The Big Bang Theory Season 11 From AU$49.99 The Big Bang Theory Season 10 From AU$34.99 ...