10 best The Big Bang Theory episodes, ranked But alongside its fantastic cast, the show, which highlights every part of “geek culture,” from comic books toStar WarsandStar Trek, has had a revolving door of guest stars. Some have only appeared for a minute or two, while others have had...
big bang theory Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia n. A scientific theory describing the origin of all space, time, matter, and energy approximately 13.7 billion years ago from the violent expansion of a singular point of extremely high density and temperature. ...
Angus, Kat
RELATED: 10 Supporting Characters Who Appear The Most In The Big Bang Theory However, The Big Bang Theory also had multiple guest stars who left their mark on the series. Some of these actors played recurring roles throughout the twelve seasons, while others only appeared in one episode. Stil...
【你能听懂多少】《生活大爆炸/The Big Bang Theory》七位主演参加柯南秀,集体吐槽Raj的扮演者Kunal,非常欢乐。 06:04 【你能听懂多少】《Educated /你当像鸟飞往你的山 》作者Tara Westover的读书见面会(片段1) 07:59 【你能听懂多少】|《#Educated /#你当像鸟飞往你的山》作者Tara Westover的读书见面会(...
Throughout its 12-season, 12-year run, "The Big Bang Theory" featured a ton of guest stars — just the list of "Star Trek" veterans alone is pretty long, in fact. One of those "Star Trek" favorites just so happens to be Wil Wheaton, who first shows up as "himself" (more on ...
cbs levar burton has guest starred twice (so far), most recently returning for a special star trek -themed episode of web series "sheldon cooper presents: fun with flags." story: 'big bang theory': 15 things you didn't know mike massimino image credit: photo credit: cbs nasa astronaut ...
生活大爆炸 第七季 The Big Bang Theory Season 7 获奖情况 第71届金球奖(2014) 电视类 最佳音乐/喜剧类剧集(提名) 电视类 音乐/喜剧类剧集最佳男主角(提名) 吉姆·帕森斯 第66届美国导演工会奖(2014) 最佳喜剧类剧集导演(提名) Richard Pérez/马克·森卓斯基...
第71届黄金时段艾美奖(2019) 喜剧类 最佳导演(提名) 马克·森卓斯基 第24届美国艺术指导工会奖(2020) 电视奖 最佳多镜头剧集艺术指导 约翰·沙夫纳 第23届美国艺术指导工会奖(2019) 电视奖 最佳多镜头剧集艺术指导(提名) 第9届美国评论家选择电视奖(2019) ...
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