Penny has trouble when Leonard's mother comes to town. Sheldon hires Stuart to hang out with Amy while he goes to a movie screening.
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生活大爆炸 第七季 The Big Bang Theory Season 7第23集 大猩猩的溶解 全片播放 本集中文名:大猩猩的溶解 本集原名:The Gorilla Dissolution 播放时间:2014-05-08星期四(当地时间) 剧情简介: penny被猩猩电影开除,终意识到幸福不是她的电影事业而是leonard,leonard向penny求婚 ...
That's your big experiment? 搞这么多就为了屏幕上的一条线 All that for a line on the screen? 话虽如此 Yeah,but,uh, 想想这代表着什么 think about what this represents. 我们的实验是唯一 The fact that we can do this is the only way 能证明月球上有人造物体的实验 of definitively proving tha...
剧本爆炸bang反射器zack月球 'causeyouknowI'lldoit! 搞定激光接上电源了 Ok,we'vegotthepowertothelaser. 我应该带把伞来的 Ishould'vebroughtanumbrella. 作甚啊又丌会下雨 Whatfor?It'snotgonnarain. 我知道 Iknowthat. 但我如此白嫩的肌肤还是有可能被月光灼伤的 Butwithskinasfairasmine,moonburnisrealpos...
S03E03-04 The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸 第三季 美剧 中英剧本·词汇解释·学习笔记 热度: 页数:92 the big bang theory 主题曲歌词 热度: 页数:15 S H A R E D O W N E R S H I P S C H E M E E X P L A N A T O R 热度: 页数:11 The.Big.Bang.Theory.S05.-...
The big bang theory生活大爆炸 第四季第23集剧本 Hey, do me a favor and take table seven.You mean the one with my 118-Pound Rock-Hard stud of a fianc Who's prone to canker sores and pinkeye?Nah, i prefer to look at it as the one with my ex-Boyfriend And his gorgeous, ...
big bang theory The idea that the universe began with an explosion 13–20 billion years ago. According to the theory, formulated in 1927, the universe is still expanding. It is now obsolete to some extent.Comparesteady state theory.