The Gorilla Dissolution: Directed by Peter Chakos. With Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg. Penny gets fired from her movie and takes a serious look at her life. Raj sees Emily on a date with another man at the movies. Howard and Ber
It is really interesting to know that the Big Bang Theory suggests that the Universe is still expanding until today, because this is EXACTLY what Allah Almighty also claimed in the Noble Quran: "And the firmament, We constructed with power and skill and verily We are expanding it. (The ...
This paper focuses also on what the Big Bang Theory entails and how it has been used to prove that God exists. This paper discusses also the problems associated with adopting a scientific model for a metaphysical position. These are some of the issues this paper seeks to address, while ...
《生活大爆炸》前情提要PreviouslyonTheBigBangTheory... 你能相信我们的小羊羔终于要嫁人了吗Canyoubelieveourlittlelambisfinallygettingmarried? 他肯定不信Hecan'tbelieveit. 我也不敢相信AndneithercanI. 爸你还好吗Hi,Dad.Howyoudoing? 我以"连你都能证婚网"Thenbythepowervestedinme... ...
《生活大爆炸 第四季 第11-15集 (The Big Bang Theory)》英中字幕 热度: 相关推荐 目录 TOC\o"1-3"\h\z\u第1集 2 第2集 13 第3集 23 第4集 36 第5集 47 第1集 Andnowthekungpaochicken. 现在是宫保鸡丁 Smooth. 很顺利啊 Andfinally, 最后 mymooshupork. 我的木须肉 Whoo-hoo! 给力!
生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第1集.pdf,《生活大爆炸》前情回顾 Previou ly on The Big Bang Theory... 我和莱纳 沃罗威茨 库萨帕里 I am going to the Arctic Circle 要去北极圈 with Leonard,Walowitz,and Koothrappali. -去三个月 -没错 - For three m
《生活大爆炸》前情提要PreviouslyonTheBigBangTheory... 我们现在正式宣布你们成为夫妻Wenowpronounceyouhusbandandwife! 我爱死这部分了Ilovethispart! 我也爱Me,too! 我内心五味杂陈啊Ihavestronglymixedfeelings! 霍华德真的上太空啦So,Howard'sreallyinspace,huh?
《生活大爆炸第八季第24集TheBig.BangTheory》英中字幕 Canyoubelieveit'sbeenfiveyearssinceourfirstdate? 你敢相信我们已经交往五年了吗 Iknow. 是啊 DoyouthinkIshouldstartwatchingTheFlashTVshow? 你觉得我该开始看电视剧《闪电侠》了吗 That'swhatyou'rethinkingabout? 你脑子里就在想这个啊 ...
【Lock and load这是一句常用的美国口语,荷枪实弹,准备好的意思】 -Howard:Raj, blow the gates.Raj,推开大门。blow:吹,吹气 -Raj:Blowing the gates.推开大门。 Control, shift... b!【control,shift计算机键盘上的两个重要按键】 Control,Shift...B! Oh, my god, so many goblins!天啊,那么多地精!
-Keepyourvoicedown.-Oh,myGod. -小点声-我滴天的 Youweren'tsupposedtobeheretillSunday! 你不是礼拜天才回么! Wefinishedtheexperimentearly, 我们提前完成了实验 soIthoughtI'dcomehomeandsurpriseyou. 然后我决定提前回家来给你个惊喜 Oh,mygosh,whyarewewhispering? 我的天啊我们干嘛这么小声?