Keywords:“BigFive”PersonalityFactors,TransactionalAnalysis,drivers,workingstyles. 1.Introduction Thisresearchisapilotstudyinexaminingtherelationsbetweenthe“BigFive”personalityfactorsand thedrivers.Adjectivechecklistdescriptionsofdriverswereprovidedindifferentresearches(Hazell, ...
Select your preferred language for taking the Big Five Personality Test, available in English, Español, Deutsch, 日本語, Nederlands.
得分:5(low) 此项得分高的人会在事情不按他们的意愿发展时感到愤怒。 他们对被平等对待很敏感,当他们觉得自己被欺骗时,会感到怨恨和痛苦。 该量表衡量的是愤怒的易感倾向; 一个人是否表现出烦恼和敌意取决于这个人的宜人程度。 低分者不会经常或轻易生气。
<a href=””>Toolshero: Big Five Personality Test</a> Did you find this article interesting? Your rating is more than welcome or share this article via Social media! Average rating4.4/ 5. Vote count:13 ...
Please note: the Big Five personality test does not yield a clinical diagnosis of any psychological condition. It is intended for your entertainment only. Hopefully you find the results insightful. Big Five at a Glance Here is a brief summary of the five personality traits: ...
Take this test to find out what your personality says about you! Unlock insights into your personality with this quick, scientifically-backed Big Five test. This test reveals your scores in five key areas—open-mindedness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and negative emotionality—and ...
This 25-question inventory is based on a scenario we've created, in which you're a graduate student looking for a job. Take this quiz to explore your personality with the Big Five Model, you will see how you stack up on 5 major dimensions of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness, Agree...
Unlock insights into your personality with this quick, scientifically-backed Big Five test. This test reveals your scores in five key areas—open-mindedness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and negative emotionality—and offers insights to help you understand yourself and relate better to...
The Big Five Personality Traits model can help to address these issues. It's a test that can be used to measure a person's most important personality characteristics and which roles are the best suited to them. Recruiters can also use it to find people who have the personality, as well ...
Discover your personality with these personality tests. You can choose three types of tests: The Big Five Personality Test Self-esteem Test DISC Personality Tes…