The bid-ask spread eists because of ___. A. market inefficiencies B. disc
The bid-ask spread exists because of ___. A. market inefficiencies B. dis
This paper studies the effect of the bid-ask spread on asset pricing. We analyze a model in which investors with different expected holding periods trade assets with different relative spreads. The resulting testable hypothesis is that market-observed expexted return is an increasing and concave fu...
1. What is the bid-ask spread? The bid-ask spread represents the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay (the bid price) and the lowest price a seller is ready to accept (the ask price). An asset with a smaller bid-ask spread generally indicates higher demand....
Summary The bid/ask spread is how market makers make their money, and some of them have made a ton of it. The last traded price is just the beginning and when it's actually time to execute a trade, one is faced with two prices, the bid price and the ask price. The bid price is...
We find that most of the factors affecting the size of the bid--ask spread for covered warrants are common to those affecting the bid--ask spread of regular options (such as hedging costs and order processing costs). However, we also find two results that are specific to covered warrants....
The bid-ask spread is essentially anegotiationin progress. Traders must be willing to take a stand and walk away in the bid-ask process through limit orders if they want to be successful. Traders are essentially confirming another trader's bid and creating a return for that trader byexecuting...
Spread Considerations Many things canimpact the bid-ask spread. These include overall market volatility, liquidity of the security, and the type of orders being placed. The following points should be considered when it comes to bid-ask spreads: ...