His ultimate conclusion is the timeless counsel we should all consider most seriously given at the end of this biblical book: Chapters XI, Verses 13-14: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.For God shall ...
God commanded man to multiply, fill and subdue the earth, and to have dominion over it. But by his wisdom, Lucifer knew that as the seed of a horse can fertilize a donkey to produce the hybrid mule God never created, so the seed of the serpent could fertilize the woman and create a ...
We Who Wrestle with God (2024) guides us through the Biblical stories that shaped and continue to define Western civilization. Highlighting the psychological and cultural meaning of these foundational texts, it examines themes of rebellion, sacrifice, suffering, and forgiveness, offering readers tools ...
In a book entitled “Contra Judæos,” the Archbishop of Seville grouped all the Biblical passages that had been employed by the Fathers to demonstrate the truth of Christianity. Whether learned Spanish Jews took up the controversy and replied to Isidorus’ arguments by counter-treatises in Lati...
http://biblicalanthropology.blogspot.com/2015/04/threshing-floors-and-solar-symbols.html The most common solar symbol was the 6-prong rosette which is found to this day on Irish Maslin bread (shown above). Some Maslin loaves are decorated with an oak leaf on top. Maslin bread is the oldest...
This remarkable salve derives its name from the biblical region of Gilead, where the resin from the balsam tree was harvested for its medicinal qualities. Today, we can recreate this timeless remedy in our own kitchens, harnessing the power of nature to support our skin hea CBD Dog Treats ...
And who, in contrast, will be like the priest and the Levite of the biblical parable, rushing past with eyes averted, preoccupied with whatever else fits the accepting-aging paradigm? Footnote I’ll be addressing some of the themes ofThe Abolition of Agingat a London Futurists event this Sa...
It doesn’t matter if you believe the Bible is definitive or not. You should know that the foremost Biblical scholars in the world are the Luciferian Freemasons. They know that the history described in the Bible is real and they are very committed to their religion of the seven sacred scie...
In the Abrahamic religions, similar concepts of immanent justice are also occasionally found (Norenzayan,2016; White et al.,2021). In Biblical literature, for example, it is stated that “the person who sins will die… the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedne...
“Excite” has additional, more specific meanings. In biology and medicine, living matter can be excited to produce an increase of activity, as when a defibrillator shocks the heart back into action. In electrical engineering, an “exciter” produces an energizing current to start up a generator...