It is a reflection of God's own faithfulness and a call for believers to emulate His steadfastness in their lives. Through the examples of biblical figures and the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, the Bible underscores the profound impact of a faithful life....
The name yhwh defines him as involved in human struggle. Yahweh's name is forever tied, through the exodus event, with salvation and liberation (Exod 15:1-13; 20:2-3). The salvation promise given inExodus 6:6-8is an expansive one, including intimacy with God and blessings of abundance,...
Obedience in the biblical context is a fundamental theme that permeates the Scriptures, reflecting the relationship between God and His people. It is the act of submitting to God's will, commands, and guidance, and it is portrayed as a pathway to blessings, spiritual growth, and divine favor...
(Biblical Deacons) 2021 - 01 - 10 PM "魔鬼的詭計" (The Wiles Of The Devil) 2020 - 12 - 20 PM "如何避免成為‘閒雜人’" (How To Avoid Being A ‘mixed Multitude’) 2020 - 12 - 13 PM "我們舊的教會失敗了 — 但我們新的教會將會成功!" (Why Our Old Church Failed – but The ...
Just like these women, our life journeys are unique, but we all have the opportunity to make a difference in this world for the cause of Christ. Dear God, Thank you for the gift and example of these courageous Biblical women to remind us who we are in You. You have redeemed us, ...
Does it pique your curiosity too? I can see rejoicing in the hope ofsalvationfrom death, the hope ofblessingsyet to come, and the hope ofinterventionin our lives. But HOPE in and of itself? In addition, there are occasions when our hope is desperate, accompanied by impatience, fear, and...
“Biblical meditation isponderingthe words of scripture with a receptive heart, and trusting the Holy Spirit to work in us through those words”[3](emphasis added). It’s slow-reading that contributes to savoring scripture much as slow-eating contributes to savoring food. ...
Learn more about the rapture, the anti-christ, bible prophecy and the tribulation with articles that explain Biblical truths. You do not need to fear or worry about the future! The Second Coming of JesusWho Are the 144,000 in Revelation?Who Are Gog and Magog in the Bible?What Is the ...
The biblical concept of submission has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority. Paul is not suggesting that women are somehow second-class citizens. He is simply articulating the divinely ordained concept of headship within the family unit. Just as Christ is the head of the church, the ...
Biblical Examples of Unbelief1. The Israelites: Despite witnessing God's miracles in Egypt and the wilderness, the Israelites frequently exhibited unbelief, leading to their prolonged wandering and eventual exclusion from the Promised Land (Numbers 14:11).2. Nazareth's Rejection of Jesus: In Mark ...