3. a number of sheets of blank or ruled paper bound together for writing, recording business transactions, etc. 4. a division of a literary work, esp. one of the larger divisions. 5. the Book, the Bible. 6. the book, a. a set of rules, conventions, or standards: to go acc...
She left a note for me on the kitchen table. 她在厨房桌子上给我留了一张便条。 Notebook (笔记本) I keep all my notes in this notebook. 我把所有的笔记都记在这个笔记本里。 Notepad (便条簿) He uses a notepad to jot down ideas as they come. 他用便条簿随时记录想法。 Adhesive tape (胶...
the bible as literatu the bible stories ii the bicycle in china the big build the big escape 4 the big fight between the big freeze the big hangover the big question beco the big questions-a s the big sting the biggest fish s the biggest honour the biggest obstacle the biggest one being...
306. to cry out for: 迫不及待/刻不容缓/迫切需要 307. to heap praise on: 不吝溢美之词/大肆夸赞 308. the middle of nowhere: 不毛之地/荒无人烟 309. to be on shaky ground: 摇摇欲坠/岌岌可危 310. to put a hold on something: 暂时搁置/暂缓执行 311. down to the wire: 千钧一发...
Book of Tobit- an Apocryphal book that was a popular novel for several centuries Tobit Apocrypha- 14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate (except for II Esdras) but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the Bible; eastern Christian churches (except the Coptic Church) acce...
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Today we may be grateful if our lives have been free from serious diseases and we may slowly, almost imperceptibly, move to the day of our transition. Palsy. See the article on Palsy. Pestilence is a word that is used frequently in the Bible. There is a striking example of David’s ...
a blog about the bibleSkip to content Home About Me Welcome Text Week Readers Featured / 1 Comment I am honored to have earned a spot on the regular roster of The Text This Week resources. If you’ve landed here from there, thank you for clicking over. My goal is to blog Monday, ...
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