THE PARENTING BIBLE (Book).Reviews the book 'The Parenting Bible: The Answers to Parents' Most Common Questions,' by Robin Goldstein and Janet Gallant.RotellaMarkZaleskiJeffPublishers Weekly
Parenting is hard; but we sure are lucky to be able to use the Bible as a Parenting Manual. Let’s be honest. When we begin our parenting journey, we don’t have a clue. This video cannot be played because of a technical error.(Error Code: 102006) (Please tell me it wasn’t jus...
The honor due to parents is like the honor due to God —The Holy Bible/Exodus Children, grown up, now, and moved away … though they had once occupied her like a house, possessing her to the fingertips —Helen Hudson The ideal mother, like the ideal marriage, is a fiction —Milton R...
(Faith) Episode 4: Bekah McNeel - Parenting Through a Faith Transition The Bible for Normal People It looks like we don't have any photos for this title yet. Learn more More from this title Videos Cast & crew Trivia News More to explore ...
Biblical ParentingGodly Parenting Attributes of God, Bible Commentary Attributes of God Part 4: God as Lawgiver and Judge November 23, 2015 3 Comments I can not tell you how many times I have heard someone say, “I just can’t believe in a God that would throw people into hell.” ...
Share on Facebook parenting (redirected fromChristian parenting) Medical Financial par·ent·ing (pâr′ən-tĭng, păr′-) n. The rearing of a child or children, especially the care, love, and guidance given by a parent. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
... have fun and teach Bible stories to your preschoolers and early primaries through dramatization Blessed to be a Blessing MOBILE FRIENDLY PAGES ... articles on Christian parenting and relationships: parent-to-God; parent-to-parent; parent-to-child; and parent-to-work + answers to parenting...
People quote the Bible when they talk about politics, sex, money, and parenting. It’s one of the most significant books of all time. But although the Bible is an enormous book (about three times as long as Moby Dick), you’ve probably only heard snippets. A verse on a card here, ...
Right now across our country, Bible sales are up 20% further highlighting this critical need for hope and help. While Focus on the Family is donor-funded, the reality is that 6% of our website readers and listeners give to enable this ministry. Support from readers like you is the only ...
Thanks for sharing your experience. It is a reflection of how abusive parenting can have a lasting effect on kids. It can be hard to have clear thinking around your mother’s interactions to you, to realize that she was the problem and not you. Kids naturally assume, “There must be som...