February 24, 2021Bible, Church, Church Authority, Defending the Faith, Ecumenism, ProtestantismChristian Unity, Faith, Liturgy, St. John Henry Newman, Unity, Worshiptwowingstogod@gmail.com Sacred Tradition is, and always has been, a great obstacle for Protestants to overcome. There is an utte...
In the next-to-last book of the Bible, the apostle Jude exhorts us to â earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saintsâ (Jude 3). His warning refers primarily to professing Christians who would dilute the faith instead of defending it.I ran across th...
How the Southern Baptist Convention Has Been Unfaithful to God: Slavery, Racism, and Critical Race Theory If a tree is cut down, without putting an axe to the root, it may begin to grow again because… Articles by Category America's Founders ...
Most importantly, what does the Bible teach on this topic? Read More Most Recent Articles Climate Change Is climate change real? If so, what is the cause? Is it caused by human activity? And can it be reversed? If so, should it be reversed? Many people have never stopped to consider ...
He attempted to defend the Bible's authenticity by drawing upon recent European discussions of geography, history, chronology, philology, and natural philosophy. Others in America also felt compelled to defend revelation in subsequent years. Jonathan Dickinson (1688–1747) and Jonathan Edwards (1703–...
Full of“AH-HA!”moments, this is a ‘must read’ for any believer who is serious about defending and contending for their faith, as well as a ‘should read’ for sincere seekers looking for a simplified, sensible discussion about the reliability of the Bible. ...
We often hear from both atheists and Christians that the Bible says that we are never supposed to judge others. To put it as nicely as possible, that's baloney. The Adulterous Woman One of the most misused, mishandled, and misapplied passages in the Bible is the narrative of the woman...
Defence of the Truth is a website aimed at providing articles which ‘test the spirits’ in submission to the Holy Bible, summarised in the 3 Forms of Unity.
this connection: “There is no need for you to defend a lion when he is being attacked. All you need to do is to open the gate and let him out.” We need to remind ourselves frequently that it is the preaching and exposition of the Bible that really establish its truth and authority...
The Bible: Can We Trust It?Defending the Bible Salvation Issues Are You Rapture Ready?The most important decision Eternal Security DebateFaith demands responsibility Walking On WaterDifficulties and obstacles to overcome The Mysterious JesusHow people can find Him ...