CHAPTER 1 - Section 1- An inquiry into the meaning of the words sheol, hades, Tartarus and Gehenna Section 2- All the texts in which hades occurs, considered Section 3- The passage considered in which the word Tartarus is rendered hell ...
When studying “hell” in the Bible, there’s an excellent book on eternal damnation titledTwo Views of Hellby Edward Fudge and Robert Peterson. The view of everlasting destruction is presented by Mr. Fudge and he does a great job as his case rests totally on Scripture, which, of course,...
Byline: By Marie SharpeA STUDENT will tonight go on TV to tell how she was sexually assaulted as she went to read her Bible in a park.The 22-year-old was molested in broad daylight at a popular beauty spot by a knifeman.Police in Edinburgh have been unable to track down her attacker...
Where is Hell, and what is the Bible truth about hell fire? Does hell burn forever? Are the lost burning in hell now?
What does the Bible tell us about it, and what is speculation, myth, or even plain error? Is Hell a place or a state of being? What does Hell look like? What kind of suffering do people in Hell experience? What are the devil and demons really like?
Because if they didn't, many Muslims may become Christians. Jesus said,"When I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself."John 12:32So we need to lift up Jesus andpreach the gospel. We should walk as Jesus did, and not act violently. Though the Koran mentions the...
In rare instances, the Bible mentions demons by name. These demons had such an impact on the lives of believers that their presence warranted mention by the writers of the scripture. Molech Although the scriptures never explicitly refer to Molech as a demon, the worship of Molech was a recurr...
States that Christians trace their belief in hell to the words of Jesus although much of what Christians believe about hell today is the result of centuries of theological development and literary imagination. Underworld separated from God; Influences of Greek and Persian philosophy; Evolution of the...
The studies look at the eight key terms that are often equated with hell, and about a dozen key passages that are thought to teach about hell.If you want to learn the truth about hell and what the Bible actually teaches about hell, make sure you get a copy of my book, (#Amazon...