3. Repentance toward God. The most important phase of this doctrine in the Bible is not in its non-theological meaning of the change of mind; it is rather a basic change in man’s attitude toward God. In much of the OT there is no provision made for man to turn from his sin and ...
Repentance is a recurring theme throughout the Bible, beginning with the Old Testament prophets who called Israel to return to God. In the New Testament, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ both began their ministries with a call to repentance. John the Baptist proclaimed, "Repent, for the ...
2.ArchaicTo cause (one or oneself) to feel remorse or regret:"And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth"(King James Bible). [Middle Englishrepenten, from Old Frenchrepentir:re-,re-+pentir,to be sorry(from Vulgar Latin*paenitīre, from Latinpaenitēre).] ...
What does it mean to repent. A comprehensive repentance Bible study and Christian teaching on the definition and meaning of repentance is just one of many biblical teachings and Bible studies which can be found at Christ-Centered Mall.
2.ArchaicTo cause (one or oneself) to feel remorse or regret:"And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth"(King James Bible). [Middle Englishrepenten, from Old Frenchrepentir:re-,re-+pentir,to be sorry(from Vulgar Latin*paenitīre, from Latinpaenitēre).] ...
is true and putting our confidence in it. The Bible teaches that faith is built on trust in God's Word because it is true and reliable (Philippians 1:27;2 Thessalonians 2:13). Faith doesn’t happen overnight; it grows as we learn more about God and see His faithfulness in ...
September 27, 2023, posted inEvangelism,God's Word,Praise & Worship,The Bible “Wow! Look what God did!!!” Pastors, what was your “Wow” from this past Sunday or even today? Ministry has its share of woes, wars, and worries. Sadly, we may have been blessed with several “wows”...
Sometimes you need just the right Bible verse for your mood, situation, or problem. That's why we have conveniently organized many of the scriptures into categories. Whether you're looking for Bible verses on love, strength, encouragement, or any other topic, it's here. Browse the Bible ve...
(The Birth of Isaac and the Birth of Jesus) 2015 - 11 - 29 AM 數主恩惠! (一則感恩節道文 /A THANKSGIVING SERMON) (Count Your Blessings!) 2015 - 11 - 22 AM 聖經與末世的離道反教! (The Bible and the Apostasy!) 2015 - 11 - 15 PM 道路、真理、生命 (The Way, The Truth, ...
It is also a convenient myth for those who want to dismiss the Bible entirely:We can't trust the Old Testament because it's so primitive, vengeful, and warlike, and We can't trust the New Testament because the teachings of Jesus, in particular, are the impractical pacifist platitudes of ...