The Bible - Verse & Prayer评分及评论 4.8(满分 5 分) 3.9万 个评分 GodismyProvider206,2022/09/02 We need God everyday in our lives I’m so happy to be apart of Gods kingdom, I’m so glad I had the biggest wake up call in my life and that drew me closer to God even more. ...
The Prayer Bible guides you in praying the life-giving Word of God, offering prayer prompts for each of the Bible’s 1,189 chapters.
Islam & The Bible "Those who believe (in the Koran), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians, —any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, shall have their reward with their Lord: On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."Koran 2:62...
1) Increase the visibility and accessibility of the Scriptures online. 2) Provide free access to Bible study tools in many languages. 3) Promote the Gospel of Christ through the learning, study and application of God's word. This site is a great way to link any verse on your site to an...
Both Bible-believers and secular anarchists have been misled. Both groups think an "anarchist manifesto" exhorts the overthrow of governments by assassination and bombs, and results in chaos and lawlessness. The Bible opposes all this. Second, both groups believe "the Bible is not a political ...
The Bible Verse and Prayer app brings the Holy Bible directly to you to celebrate God’s Word. Study, pray and read the Word of God which includes many different…
Bible in One Year 4. Pray the Psalms The Psalms, often known as the prayer book of the Bible, contain content that can be used to pray every day. Get started: Simply try reading a Psalm out loud and turning it into prayer, or try our PDF in the Prayer Course Toolshed: How to ...
ABibleStudyTools PLUS subscriptionoffers visitors the access to exclusive in-depth Bible study articles, commentaries, printable prayer and devotional guides, and personalization features within the Bible such as note-taking, highlighting, and more - all in an ad-free environment!
Examines the extra-musical associations of Syrian Jews. Interconnection between textual and musical meaning of Syrian extra- musical associations; Use of Maqamat in Syrian Jewish Liturgy; Exploration on the use of extra-musical associations in the Syrian community.Kligman...
The Orthodox Christian Study Bible includes commentary drawn from Church Fathers, liturgical readings, icons, maps, book summaries, and a subject index.