女王的棋局第1季第3集台词 英文中文Mom!妈妈后翼弃兵 第三集Well, now.瞧瞧这里Welcome.欢迎- Got a cigarette, doctor? - So...
quit/kwit/vt.离开,退出;停止 quite/kwait/ad.完全;相当;的确 quotation/kwəu’teiʃən/n.引用;引文;报价单 quote/kwəut/vt.引用,引证;报价 必备短语 Q bequalifiedto能胜任… inquantity大量 quarrelwith与…吵架 besidethequestion离题,和本题无关 beyondquestion毫无疑问,无可争辩callinquestion对…...
foreswear, relinquish, renounce, quit - turn away from; give up; "I am foreswearing women forever" 3. give up - give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat; "In the second round, the challenger gave up" chuck up the sponge, drop by the wayside, drop out, fall ...
I’m gonna quit the job, my heart isn’t in it anymore.(我不爱干这行,我的心都不在这里面了。) 3.You’re up. 轮到你了例句:I just tried the spicy dish. Now you’re up.(我刚试过这道菜,该轮到你了。) Hey, Mark! They just finished introducing the main speaker. That’s you. ...
why didnt you quit yo why do i love you why do you want to wo why does she stay why does wednesday co why dont you come ove why dont you like me why english why even a senator why havent i always l why havent i heard a why is he going to ca why kill marty why leave me be...
i say hi i say im here for you i say nothing i was j i say quit i say suggestively i say this towns too i say to you that it i scolded i scowled i searched for form a i see a bird i see stupid people i see the soul in my i see them staring at i see trees are green...
Aaron Donald swims his way past D.J. Humphries for sack Aaron Rodgers lofts 25-yard TD to open Robert Tonyan Alfred Morris scores his first TD since 2018 Alfred Morris is left wide open in the flat for his second TD Aaron Rodgers' best throws from 3-TD game | Week 13 Aaron ...
Renowned for his expressive guitar sound and the distinctive way he bent notes to squeeze every drop of feeling out of the strings, this left-handed Mississippi blues master rose to fame in the clubs of Chicago’s west side. After stints with the Windy City Cobra and Chess labels, in 1969...
11. To move or operate freely within a bounded space, as machine parts do. v.tr. 1. a. To engage in (a game or sport): play hockey; play chess. b. To compete against in a game or sport: We play the Tigers today. c. To compete in a game or sport at (a location): The...
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