What's the best thing in the world? June-rose, by May-dew impearled; Sweet south-wind, that means no rain; Truth, not cruel to a friend; Pleasure, not in haste to end; Beauty, not self-decked and curled Till its pride is over-plain; Love, when, so, you're loved again. What...
When it was light again he walked on. Every day he would walk eight or ten miles. He asked the people about the best thing in the world.Some said it was best to sing. Some said it was best to run and jump and play.Some said the green grass was best. Some liked the red and bl...
What's the best thing in the world? June-rose, by May-dew impearled; Sweet south-wind, that means no rain; Truth, not cruel to a friend; Pleasure, not in haste to end; Beauty, not self-decked and curled Till its pride is over-plain; Love, when, so, you're loved again. What...
-The-Best-Thing-In-The-World 秋雨天气疯狂的热了几天后,终于安静了下来。 秋雨悄悄的来了,绵绵的,洋洋洒洒,一下就是好几天,窗外依然滴滴哒哒的响着,看来是没有停下来的意思。绵绵的秋雨,带来了丝丝的凉意,不喜欢这样的天气,灰色的天空,没有的以往的清澈和透明,看着街上来往的车,人,踩着家下的片片积水,...
The best thing in the world 世上最好的东西A young man had a strange disease-he was unhappy all day long.One day, he went to a wise man for effective prescription(有效药方). The wise mantold him, “ What is the bestthing that will make you happy?" He could not think of one. So...
最新The Best Thing In The World (Sight words learning) 热度: 有一个青年得了一种怪病:他不快乐,终日闷闷不乐。一天,他去拜见一位智者以讨求良方。 智者说,只有世界上你认为最好的东西才能使你快乐。这个人看了看身边,他没有发现自己 认为世界上最好的东西,于是他决定云寻找世界上最好的东西。
What's the best thing in the world? June-rose, by May-dew impearled; Sweet south-wind, that means no rain; Truth, not cruel to a friend; Pleasure, not in haste to end; Beauty, not self-decked and curled Till its pride is over-plain; ...
The best thing in the world世上最好的东西 A young man had a strange disease-he was unhappy all day long.One day, he went to a wise man for effective prescription(有效药方). The wise man told him, "What is the best thing that will make you happy?" He could not think of one. So...
Pleasure, not in haste to end; Beauty, not self-deckedand curled Till its pride is over-plain; Love, when, so, you're loved again. What's the best thing in the world? —Something out of it, I think. 1. May-dew:五月的露珠。在英国,人们相信五月第一天的朝露有神奇的功效,可美容、治...