Understanding the different support categories, their purpose in the bot lane, and their strengths and weaknesses is key to choosing the best champions for your team, your playstyle, and against enemy compositions. These are the five best League supports in Patch 14.21. Best LoL support ch...
Here is Inven Global’s ranking of the best supports going into the 2022 World Championship: 5. Lou "Missing" Yun-Feng — JD Gaming Source: LPL Missing is finally getting his moment. Though only experiencing success in the LPL over the last year and a half, JD Gaming's suppor...
if not, the best bot lane in the LCK, he’s shown innovation on the Rift as well, with his off-meta picks like Singed [he was the first player to pick Singed in the support role]. He was even named Player of the Game in his recent match against DWG KIA on day 6 of th...
【You are the best!】你们是如何精通一个辅助英雄的 只看楼主 收藏 回复♀潇雪£儿¢ 寂寞盖风 11 我感觉已经很努力的练习了,但是感觉不得要领。特别是lol有了自带录像,我录了之后看我自己玩的,简直酱油其实我也有一颗成为教学的心 () 回复 1楼 2015-01-29 15:07 举报 | 来自Android客户端 莴猥琐...
锤石、娜美、风女(感觉娜美最6但最喜欢锤石,除了琴女布隆婕拉卡尔玛璐璐之外基本上别的辅助都还算可以) 收起回复 举报|来自手机贴吧4楼2014-12-18 01:56 xkbb1314 保护后排 6 琴女 锤石 机器 (其次 露露保护能力强每次遇到阿卡利我就选露露 风女 牛头 不喜欢玩布隆 日女 ) 收起回复 举报|5楼2014-12-18...
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Since October 2009, League of Legends has captivated millions of players. The top players come together to compete and these seven are the best of the best.
Image via Riot Games Sona is one of the best support champions for new players to pick up. Each of her spells automatically targets allies or enemy champions within a certain range, so players won’t have to worry about landing skillshots outside of her ultimate ability. In the laning phase...
【You are the best!】大家推荐下我还可以练什么辅助 只看楼主收藏回复 双刀柳叶青 控龙排眼 7 现在在黄金5,辅助我最6有风女布隆,其次天启,然后有琴女曙光。曙光胜率有点低只有45%,其他都是53%以上。我想增加我的辅助英雄备选库,能克制和针对各种类型的热门或非常规辅助,就我现在会玩的这几个类型辅助,...
35回复贴,共1页 <返回lol辅助吧 【You are the best!】辅助遇到了瓶颈了 段位钻五 求大神们指教 只看楼主 收藏 回复国服第一萌寂寞 保护后排 6 我以前一直觉得自己辅助是很不错的 都是现在打辅助各种不对劲 瓶颈了吗?感觉自己辅助那里有点跟不上节奏了 回复 1楼 2015-04-28 17:49 举报 | 来自And...