straight razor- a razor with a straight cutting edge enclosed in a case that forms a handle when the razor is opened for use razor- edge tool used in shaving Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
My original Razor scooter I've had since 2009 has reached around 4000 MILES! I have ridden that thing almost everyday for the past 11 years and I haven't had to replace anything on it which shows how well made they are. Nathan Reich ...
As he poured out the drink Derek looked towards Gordon who was standing sideways-on to him. What a fine figure he cut. The front of his body was dead straight from his shoulders to his feet and his back was equally straight except for that lovely curvy bulge half way down, enhanced by...
I thought maybe Chisholm might be my best chance of getting myself caned, but I had to make sure he knew I’d got a cane and had a certain interest in it; and then I had to create a situation where he had a chance to offer to cane me. “He’s a guy of habit. He walks alo...
The Best Razor To Shave the Armpit After you trim your hair, take a shower to soften the underarm hair to make it easier for a razor to glide over the skin. Beard Club’s Body and Groin Trimmer is waterproof, so you can even do your trimming while you’re in the shower. While you...
The Best Detailing Razor: The Rich Barber Straight Edge Razor Amazon You know those long, intimidating straight razors you see barbers use? Yeah, let them wield those weapons. But if you want to draw the same clean lines—for straight edges around your hairline, cheek line, sideburns or neck...
“What is the best safety razor?”I get the question all the time. The question of the best safety razor is complex, with many factors to consider. This guide offers a simple, comprehensive look at different razor types for various needs, helping you make an informed choice. This is an ...
The 20 best cooking shows on Netflix 12 of 50 Tampopo (1985) Ken Watanabe and Ryutaro Otomo in 'Tampopo'. Everett Collection You've heard of spaghetti Westerns? Well, Tampopo is a ramen Western, a deliciously daffy movie about a feisty ramen shop owner (named Tampopo, played by ...
The very best Xbox Series X games show off what makes Microsoft's latest console such a power house.
1, The Razor A shave is only as good as the razor you use. It’s important to get the best razor possible. Being stingy when buying a razor will only get you a subpar blade that will leave you with nicks and cuts. Look at the razor as an investment you’ll use for years. You’...