Discover the best ab exercises from bodyweight movements to dumbbell and machine core exercises. Plus, we'll share our best ab workouts to build a strong core.
Here's a description and sample exercise from every "Best Exercises" book you're going to get in this package deal...Book #1 - The Best Exercises You've Never Heard OfGet 53 unique exercises that will help you increase your muscle mass and strength quickly and overcome exercise monotony in...
The Top 5 Best Shoulder Exercises 1.Hang Clean & Press This is the ultimate shoulder exercise if you ask me. The hang clean resembles a high pull (a powerful exercise that is similar to the upright row) and if you press without hesitation you can utilize the momentum and the stretch refl...
Wrist wraps are used to provide support around your wrist while lifting, many times you will see them used with “push day” movements like bench press or shoulder press. This could be for a number of reasons, but more often than not it is great for those rehabbing an injury, or those...
I’m not surprised, as there are hundreds to choose from. Let me guide you with this list of the only seven barbell exercises you need to build mass and strength. I’ve also included three variations of each exercise so you can mix up your workouts and avoid training plateaus. ...
The comfort of this move makes the EZ-bar curl one of the best bicep exercises for mass. How To Do It Load an EZ-bar up with some plates or use just the bar itself, then stand upright with your feet under your hips. Brace your core and pin your upper arms to your sides tightly...
Similar to the farmer carry, this exercise incorporates more shoulder strength. By placing the bottom of the bell up in the air, you're forced to stabilize your shoulder, which builds strength for otherupper-body exercises. Place a lightweight kettlebell in your hand with the bell side up. ...
Aerobic step exercises include: Basic step-up: Put your right foot onto a step and raise your left foot to keep it next to your right foot. Step down with your right foot and then bring down your left foot. Repeat it as if you are going up and down the stairs. This exercise strengt...
Leg training separates the wheat from the chaff in the gym, and a goodleg workout for bodybuildingconsists of challenging (and meaningful) exercises that work your quads, core, and posterior chain alike. Credit: vladee / Shutterstock [Read More:Best Mass Gainers] ...
Slowly return the kettlebell back to the rack position at shoulder height. Repeat for 20 seconds, then do the other side. Make sure to do the same number of reps on each side. Show Instructions Tip "This is a great way to build your shoulder and your triceps," Williams says. "It’s...