1. Robots (2023) In a futuristic world, a young robot’s passion for invention leads them to take on a powerful corporate giant. This visually stunning animated film follows the journey of this determined protagonist as they navigate through a corrupt system and fight against injustice. The rob...
you decide), to rank the best robot movies in film history. However, a note: We specifically focused on movies that are essentially about robots — not, in other words, movies that happen to have robots in them, like Alien(s) or Interstellar or Forbidden Planet. We also avoided films ...
Best Robot Movies of All TimeTop Ten Movie HeroesTop 10 Western Movie HeroesTop 10 Best Movies of All TimeTop 10 Worst Movies of All Time Top Remixes T-800: Model 101 (Terminator 2: Judgment Day) Optimus Prime (Transformers) R2D2 (Star Wars) Optimus Prime (Transformers) T-800: Model 101...
Over 8K filmgoers have voted on the 80 Best Geek Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: Star Wars Franchise, Back to the Future, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Over 900 filmgoers have voted on the 100+ Best Intelligent Action Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, The ...
From the endearing to the menacing, from the helpers of humanity to the bringers of apocalypse, robot movies encompass a diverse array of characters and themes, each providing a unique flavor to the genre.
From Avengers: Endgame to The Dark Knight, these are the best superhero movies to watch right now
The best, most exciting action movies on Netflix: "Godzilla Minus One," "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse," "Bad Boys: Ride or Die," and more!
The 5 Best New Movies on Netflix in December 2024 12/25/2024 by Haleigh Foutch The Wrap DreamWorks Animation Things are heating up as Bravo's 'Southern Hospitality' returns 1/3/2025 by Aubrey Chorpenning The Streamable Mufasa: The Lion King Box Office (Worldwide): Beats The Wild Robot’...
Image:Disney / Warner Bros. / Universal / Kotaku Movies often portray robots as the harbingers of something bad, whether they’re evil and want to take over the world (Terminator,I, Robot,The Matrix, etc.) or are being exploited by humans (Blade Runner,Ex Machina,A.I. Artificial Intelli...