A type of polyphenol whose subclasses (for example, flavanols, flavonones and isoflavones) are present mostly in fruits, certain vegetables, seeds (such as flax), soy, whole grains, honey, tea, coffee, cocoa, some alcoholic beverages (such as wine) and a few spices. Quercetin The most abu...
Evidence on the association between virgin olive oil (OO) and mortality is limited since no attempt has previously been made to discern about main OO varieties. Objective We examined the association between OO consumption (differentiating by common and virgin varieties) and total as well as cause-...
High-polyphenol Extra Virgin Olive Oil Fresh-ground black cumin seed (tastes like motor oil, but cancer cells hate it too) Vitamin D, Zinc, Saw Palmetto Cod Liver Oil Fresh Veggie Juice (carrot, celery, Granny Smith apple, cabbage) Smoothie with berries and Kombucha Apricot Kernels Brazil Nut...
The gut microbiota plays a critical role in obesity and lipid metabolism disorder. Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L.) are rich in polyphenols with various physiological and pharmacological activities. We determined serum physiological parameters and feca
Olive oil industry by-products. Effects of a polyphenol-RICH extract on the metabolome and response to inflammation in cultured intestinal cellFoodomicsGlucose metabolismInflammationNMR based metabolomicsOlive oil by-productsPolyphenolsOver the past years, researchers and food manufacturers have become ...
2013). In longitudinal clinical interventions conducted in humans, increased consumption of polyphenol-rich and Mediterranean-type food items such as extra-virgin olive oil and nuts has been associated with markers of healthy aging such as improvement of cardiovascular risk factors and cognition (Valls...
This study aimed at evaluating the potential therapeutic action of the polyphenol-rich methanolic extract of the fruit in experimental induced obese rats.In vitroantioxidant and antidiabetic activity of GP extracts, i.e., fruit extract (GF) and seed extract (GS) were determined by using various ...
No, refined sunflower oil is not generally healthier than virgin or extra virgin olive oil, as it lacks the polyphenol compounds that give olive oil its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant prowess. Is sunflower oil safe on skin? Yes, sunflower oil can be used as a carrier oil for most peo...
Xylella fastidiosa is a xylem-limited bacterium causing a range of economically important plant diseases in hundreds of crops. Over the last decade, a severe threat due to Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS), caused by Xylella fastidiosa subspecies pauca
Comparison of antioxidant potency of commonly consumed polyphenol-rich beverages in the United St... Comparison of antioxidant potency of commonly consumed polyphenol-rich beverages in the United States. Seeram Navindra P,Aviram Michael,Zhang Yanjun,Henning ... PS Navindra,M Aviram,Y Zhang,... ...