绅士就是从不无心伤害别人感觉的人。 77. No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist. 伟大的艺术家所看到的,从来都不是世界的本来面目。一旦他看透了,他就不再是艺术家。 78. There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what...
The best books onVirgil, recommended by Sarah Ruden Read Virgil is one of the most influential poets in the history of Western literature. Here, another poet,Sarah Ruden, talks about the challenges of translating theAeneidand why, although we know little about Virgil as a man, his great poem...
Posted by The Best American Poetry on October 29, 2019 at 05:53 PM in Adventures of Lehman, Feature, Hard Times, History | Permalink | Comments (0) July 12, 2018 Poet Spotlight: Karyna McGlynn [by Kristina Marie Darling] This week, as Guest Author, I will be spotlighting innovative ...
绅士就是从不无心伤害别人感觉的人。 77. No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist. 伟大的艺术家所看到的,从来都不是世界的本来面目。一旦他看透了,他就不再是艺术家。 78. There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what...
Coming to its stage for a month-long run is King Hedley II from “Poet of Black America” August Wilson. This gritty tale follows a recently released felon struggling to take control of his life in the face of a family and community struggling with his return to the real world in 1980s...
The book's title comes from the title of a wonderful poem by award-winning poet and writer Lisa Rogers. (And it makes me wonder, what would YOUR best day include? Hmmm...) Irene and Charles have included poems by several familiar Poetry Friday folks, as well as some classic poems and...
To have ever neared God's heart at all.Our Partner is notoriously difficult to follow, And even His best musicians are not always easy To hear.So what if the music has stopped for a while.So what If the price of admission to the Divine ...
even flat and still in my best friend’s bed, our fingertips only just so, our hips pulling and pulling. Silent in her bed, her fingers touched my arm—gentle as blue and sweet corn and pond water lapping. Nothing would ever be the same after—that pain promised—how want burned, want...
What if some calamity were to occur that ruined earth’s climate for ever? So these three short lines are packed with food for thought. The second of our poems is much longer, at twenty lines, and is ‘The Green Train’ by Liu Youping. As with the first poem there is a sense of ...
recapture these moods by putting together their images of pine trees, rocks and clouds much in the way a poet might string together a number of images which had come into his mind during a walk. It was the ambition of these Chinese masters to acquire such a facility in t... (查看原文...