The meaning of WAY is a thoroughfare for travel or transportation from place to place. How to use way in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Way.
Day of Birth: Background: remove this box from homepage Idiom of the Day make the best of a bad bargain —To deal with and create the best possible outcome of a bad, unfortunate, or unpleasant situation or set of circumstances.More...Discuss...
The meaning of END is the part of an area that lies at the boundary. How to use end in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of End.
Day of Birth: Background: remove this box from homepage Idiom of the Day make the best of a bad bargain —To deal with and create the best possible outcome of a bad, unfortunate, or unpleasant situation or set of circumstances.More...Discuss...
Day of Birth: Background: remove this box from homepage Idiom of the Day make the best of a bad bargain —To deal with and create the best possible outcome of a bad, unfortunate, or unpleasant situation or set of circumstances.More...Discuss...
Similarly, using foresee as a synonym of anticipate, as in they failed to foresee the vast explosion in commercial revenue which would follow, is not entirely appropriate. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002...
Can I use more than one synonym for “proficient” on the same resume? We strongly recommend that you use a variety of synonyms and terms to describe your work experienceand skill set. However, always ensure your word choices are precise and used in the right context. Should I always repla...
parˈtaker n Usage: Partake of is sometimes wrongly used as if it were a synonym of eat or drink. Correctly, one can only partake of food or drink which is available for several people to share Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publ...
(or anterior) urethral valves in 57% of cases, urethral hypoplasia, stenosis or atresia or megalourethra in 7.4%. In these cases, the synonym lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO) with megacystis can be used to correctly describe the situation. Most common non-obstructive megacystis are ...
later in the story later synonym later use lateral area of paral lateral aspect testis lateral bipolar mode lateral box lateral direction of lateral dive lateral dominance lateral eruption lateral hydraulic dam lateral inclination lateral keel lateral oblique posit lateral orientation lateral thruster latera...