later in the story later synonym later use lateral area of paral lateral aspect testis lateral bipolar mode lateral box lateral direction of lateral dive lateral dominance lateral eruption lateral hydraulic dam lateral inclination lateral keel lateral oblique posit lateral orientation lateral thruster latera...
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck! ? Welcome to WordHub! Use the letters in the wheel to create as many words as you can before time runs out!
In elderly women weight is the best predictor of a very low bone mineral density: evidence from the EPIDOS study Currently, few elderly women have a measurement of bone mineral density (BMD). The aim of this study was to assess the potential value of a two-step screen......
Similarly, using foresee as a synonym of anticipate, as in they failed to foresee the vast explosion in commercial revenue which would follow, is not entirely appropriate. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002...
brand-newEntirely or completely new; unused; absolutely or perfectly new; alsobran-new. This term, in use since 1570, is said to have come from the Anglo-Saxon wordbrand‘torch’ and formerly denoted metals or metal articles fresh from the fire or furnace. A synonym isfire-newused by Sha...
“Choose the best synonym (words of similar meaning) for “bold”). Then, they had to meet criteria such as being employed outside of MTurk (and working 20 non-MTurk hours per week), working on-site at least sometimes, and interacting on-site with at least 1 coworker. In total, ...
Complexity does not belong to a particular theory or discipline, but rather to adiscourse about science(Stengers,1985). The term complex is often inappropriately used. We can understand its meaning by examining the differences from the concept ofcomplicated, often used as a synonym, to refer to...
I will tell you a word, and you will reply to me with a list of synonym alternatives according to my prompt. Provide a max of 10 synonyms per prompt. If I want more synonyms of the word provided, I will reply with the sentence: "More of x" where x is the word that you looked ...
brand-newEntirely or completely new; unused; absolutely or perfectly new; alsobran-new. This term, in use since 1570, is said to have come from the Anglo-Saxon wordbrand‘torch’ and formerly denoted metals or metal articles fresh from the fire or furnace. A synonym isfire-newused by Sha...
parˈtaker n Usage: Partake of is sometimes wrongly used as if it were a synonym of eat or drink. Correctly, one can only partake of food or drink which is available for several people to share Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publ...