41. A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction. 男人的面孔是他的自传,女人的面容是她的幻想作品。 42. Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both. 悲观主义者是这种人:当他可以从两种罪恶中选择时,他把两种都选了。 43. Like d...
(1999). It's the best of two evils: A study of patients' perceived information needs about oral steroids for asthma. Health Expectations, 2, 185 - 194.Stevenson, F.A., Wallace, G., Rivers, P. and Gerrett, D. (1999b). `It's the best of two evils': a study of patients' ...
The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray. 情感的好处就是让我们误入歧途。 Over the piano was printed a notice: Please do not shoot the pianist. He is doing his best. Personal Impressions of America (Leadville) (1883) 钢琴上贴着一条告示:请不要枪杀钢琴师,他已经尽力了。 T...
There are several other tropes afoot, like the guy who finally realizes he's been in love with his friend all along. The messaging in the film relates to consumerism, conformity, and the evils of the recording industry, but its undercut by its bland script, which isn't as clever as it...
Adj.1.lesser- of less size or importance; "the lesser anteater"; "the lesser of two evils" greater- greater in size or importance or degree; "for the greater good of the community"; "the greater Antilles" 2.lesser- smaller in size or amount or value; "the lesser powers of Europe";...
4. 路痴 no sense of direction aaaaa这个真是简单实用!居家旅行必备表达! Notes ♪♫♩♬ ♫这个世上还有一类人,就是我经常说很变态的一类人,钟雷和马丁这样儿的!方向感巨强!好像在一个地方呆了没多久就能把周围摸得透透的,你问啥地方他们都能像本地人一样给你丢个答案过来!这种人know somewhere...
2、Every profession produces its own best. 行行出状元。 3、Constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水穿石。 4、The secret of success is constancy of purpose. 成功的秘诀在于持之于恒。 5、Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. ...
Of two evils choose the lesser. 两害相权取其轻。 Faith will move mountains. 精诚所至金石为开。 Every law has a loophole. 凡是法律,必有漏洞。 Where there is love there is life. 有爱就有生命。 There is no royal road to learning. 求知无坦途。 Leap, and the net will appear. 车到山前...
Part Of Polygon’s Best of the Year 2023 see all Making a collaborative list of the year’s best movies usually feels like trying to form a committee to definitively rank apples and oranges. How do you account for personal tastes? For access, when a given movie — er, fruit variety —...