Which one is your favorite Quote from these Popular 2021 TV Series? Discuss Here | The Best Movie Quotes of 2021See results without voting » Make Your Choice Vote! Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld in Hawkeye (2021) Kate Bishop to Clint: You showed me that being a hero isn’t ...
THEN I heard that the author, Julie Soto, cut her teeth writing Dramione fanfiction, including one that’s very high on my TBR (The Auction) and I knew I had to read this one. Set in Sacramento, California (the first time I’ve read a book set in California’s capitol!), Forget ...
Draco made sense to me as Hermione’s soulmate. Unlike Harry and Ron, Draco wassmart. He alone challenged her academic excellence, and he kept up with her in the banter that saturated Dramione (Draco / Hermione) fanfiction. Thanks to the authors of LiveJournal andFanfiction.net, the unlike...
#orderofthephoenix #halfbloodprince #deathlyhallows #hermionegranger #emmawatson #rupertgrint #ronweasley #tomfelton #dracomalfoy #slytherin #hufflepuff #gryffindor #fantasticbeasts #potterhead #thewomaninblack #beautyandthebeast #killyourdarlings #romione #dramione #whatif #cursedchild #t...
Lyrics of the 6 songs Tom Felton sang on Instagram live, April 16, 2020. 1. Isolation Song and Party Announcement 2. The Dramione Song 3. The Skateboard Song 4. Half the World Away 5. Who Says 6...
gap, Felton always saw her as a little sister and felt “very protective of her,” as he fondly described, and “that continues to the day.” And the love was reciprocated, as Watson stated, “Tom was the one I could often be more vulnerable with.” Cue sobbing from Dramione shippers...
They have no right and need to leave. He tells her to relax as they were just joking around. She threatens to tell everyone about his Dramione fanfic. The Fisher boys laugh at the idea, with Jeremiah teasing that he shouldn't be embarrassed, Draco's hot. Belly again asks them to pleas...
Dramione Awards "Best of 2009" Winner: 1st place, Best Mid-length and 2nd place, Best Mystery!德赫大赏“2009最佳”获得者:第一名“最佳中篇”:第二名“最佳悬疑” 卿绎 致命吸引 12 【授权】Sure, I would be honored if you would like to tranlate my fics. Just send me the link to the...
ClawofCatcloud_forestcoalitiongirlConfused MuseconfusedkaytConstance Coquinecrackers4jennCryssiedaisydaniel_nievesDark AmethystDarkBloodyMistressDarkLightningEnvyDarq and DarqerdawnofmeDeacon RayneDebris4spikedeedoDeliciadennyDevinDiabolaDirktavianDizzyBDoriansKittendramionelurverDreamFlightDreamScape99DreamsofSpike...
Steven, if you dont leave, I swear to God I will send everyone in this car your Dramione fanfic. -[laughter]-You wouldnt. -[Conrad] Bro.-Oh,my God. -Drop it. Drop it.-Hey,seriously? Please leave. [Linus]...or fallen through. Let me put it this way. -All right, lets go,...