(the)best of both worlds 字面意思两个世界最好的东西,实际是指同时享受不同事物的好处,就是两全其美 - Wendy英语于20231125发布在抖音,已经收获了80.2万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
回忆这二十年的人生变迁,好一个唏嘘。 我为什么能够记得这么多细节呢,因为这是我自从和前任分手后, 第一次正儿八经的约会。前任是我孩他爸。 第一次见到力,竟然没认出来,人和照片不太一样。高高的个子,很文雅。他穿的衬衣扣子开到半截,露出一丛胸毛,我想了一下,还是有些小性感的。于是就慢慢的聊天啊,工作,...
FeifeiThe best of both worlds“两个世界中最好的”,也就是我们常说的“两全其美,各取其长”。 Rob Let's hear some examples of the phrase 'the best of both worlds' in action. ExamplesWorking part-time means I get the best of both worlds: time with the kids and a steady income. Our ...
The best of both worlds“两个世界中最好的”,也就是我们常说的“两全其美,各取其长”。 Rob: Let's hear some examples of the phrase "the best of both worlds" in action. Examples Working part-time means I get the best of both ...
1. the best of both worlds 两者的精华 这句话通常是指某事物含有两种事情或物品最精华的部分,像「中西合璧」就可以算是这种情况之一, 实用英语串烧:the best of both worlds 两者的精华 。 A: Living in L.A., I get the best of both worlds. ...
A。本题考查俚语“the best of both worlds”的意思,其意为“两全其美,兼有两方面的优点”,A 选项符合其含义;B 选项“Being in a difficult situation”意为“处于困境”;C 选项“Doing something very well”意为“把某事做得很好”;D 选项“Having a lot of problems”意为“有很多问题”。反馈...
The article presents a synopsis and review of the two-part episode of the television program "Star Trek: The Next Generation" entitled "The Best of Both Worlds." The episodes ended the program's third se...
去到他家,我们仍旧不紧不慢的聊着天,其实他并不像表面上的那么风光靓丽,言谈举止之间,也有一个人的落寞和不甘。原来是这个样子。 力高高的,一把就可以抱我起来,甩到床上。十年没有过第二个人,真的是很紧张,很不自然。他有耐心,慢慢的,我放松下来。
The best of both worlds“两个世界中最好的”,也就是我们常说的“两全其美,各取其长”。 Rob Let's hear some examples of the phrase 'the best of both worlds' in action. Examples Working part-time means I get the best of both worlds: time with the kids and a steady income. Our hotel...