the champion is the strongest in competitive play right now. Yone is the most picked champion in the mid lane at Worlds 2024, meaning his presence in solo queue is likely to rise.
Mid laners come in many different shapes and sizes, and often you’ll find that there isn’t one champion that works in every single scenario. With that in mind, Lux is a great pick because she can play safe, has an easy time when it comes to farming minions, and can output serious ...
With her empowering ultimate and strong auto attacks, Sivir is a champion to be afraid of in Arena. She’s one of the AD carries that only needs a beefy front line to keep enemies at bay, while she takes them down in a blink of an eye. Tryndamere, the Barbarian King Best duo: Cork...
Since October 2009, League of Legends has captivated millions of players. The top players come together to compete and these seven are the best of the best.
This guide has covered all the lol champion size, from smallest to biggest. Each champion’s size adds to the game’s diversity and depth so no two champions are the same, whether in appearance, abilities or lore. Now you can appreciate the scale of your favorite champions, whether you’...
Not just a relic of the mid-noughties, Runescape is still thriving as one of the best MMORPGs, with both a modern-day version and an Old School alternative for those of you still hankering for the good old days of pre-2007. Both games offer tonnes of free content spread across their ma...
(MSI) serves as a mid-year intercontinental clash, pitting regional champions against each other. This is a regular international championship that takes place every year in the spring. The tournament is played by the best representatives of the competitive regions of the LoL, who won the spring...
Katarina (Mid) It feels like Katarina has been the go-to mid lane pick forever. And that hasn’t changed this year as she’s received a couple of buffs this season which ensures she continues to be a menace. Katarina is one of the best snowballing champions in the game. After just a...
We provide the latest and best champion Build, Probuilds, Guides, Skill and Item Buy Orders, Runes and many more for all Champions from the best League of Legends Pros in the world.
LNG, on the other hand, is relatively ”forgotten” and I say this with the biggest quotation marks but if I have to see another person forget to mention Scout when talking about the best midlaners at Worlds, I might lose it! But this ”obscurity” does allow LNG to have a bit more...