Your journey for the best fuel card starts from here. Save huge money on your fuel expenses by getting the Global Fuel Card today. Avail the benefit now!
The best fuel cards offer large gas discounts and other rewards and features specific to fleets. Here are the fleet fuel cards that made the cut.
If you’re paying the asking price of fuel, then you’re losing your competitive edge. You’re missing out on profitability. Look at it this way: That small trucking carrier down the road is using a small fleet fuel card and getting cents off for every gallon of diesel they pump. You ...
THE BEST DIESEL FUEL CARD FOR TRUCKERS AND TRUCKING COMPANIES Multi Service Fuel Card has been the trusted diesel fuel card provider for owner operators and small fleets for over 45 years.We provide trucking fuel cards for fleets, specifically catering to new and growing trucking businesses. By...
Carlos Gonzalez, director of communication at Discarlux, told CGTN Europe the higher costs for his company would eventually be felt by their customers. "The pay tolls will affect us for sure, and that's added to an increase in fuel price and other costs involved in tra...
Fuel Price Rise Protest Rolls; Angry Truckers Head for the CapitalByline: By BILL JACOBS Parliamentary ReporterEvening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
Become a real trucker with Truckers of Europe 3! Featuring intensive driving experience with the most realistic truck physics. Feel like driving real trucks…
Its platform connects shippers with truckers to facilitate shipments across distance ranges, cargo weights and types. The company also offers drivers other services such as financing and insurance, as well as selling fuel cards and secondhand trucks. Full Truck Alliance was founded by Hui Zhang in ...
“This makes economic sense for TSLA, in our view. We estimate that a trucking carrier spends about $0.50 per mile of fuel (@ $3/gal of diesel and 6 mpg) and does about 100,000 miles/year per truck. If Tesla charged $0.25/mile to lease the battery out, (a) the carrier can redu...
“[F-150 Lightning] embraces the advantages of electric technology to create a better truck for truckers,” said Edmunds Editor-in-Chief Alistair Weaver. “This isn’t a lifestyle toy; it’s a working tool in the best tradition of the F-150. The heart of America is in robust health.”...