Hayao Miyazaki, a co-founder of Studio Ghibli, has said that this will be his final film—and what a swansong it is. A cryptic, cosmic fairy tale about letting go of the past, “The Boy and the Heron” is comparable to several of Mr Miyazaki’s previous visionary masterpieces. 你想活...
Every year, TIME magazine puts out its list of the year’s best inventions. Some of these help us solve problems. Others make life easier or more fun. Here are 4 of them. A Cooler Color Usually, the paint on a white building can throw back 80% to 90% of the sunlight that hits ...
A new wave of Irish folk is producing lots of stirring music, but none quite so stark as that on Lankum’s fourth album. “Go Dig My Grave” might be the most uncompromising opening track of any album this year. (You are not likely to...
The Best Books of 2023|The New Yorker 前几期给大家分享了 《时代周刊的2023年度书籍》和《纽约时报2023年度书籍》。相信很多小伙伴都收到了。本期我们分享文青最爱的纽约客年度最好书籍,每一份期刊都有其特质…
“We are disappointed that this article fails to provide an accurate picture of the progress of cultivated meat and does not provide the right context for UPSIDE’s first product. UPSIDE has successfully and repeatedly demonstrated that we can scale our suspension technology to make delicious ground...
“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,” to Kris Bowers and Michael Abel incorporating and interpreting classical works by the title character on “Chevalier,” there’s been a lot of experimentation among composers in 2023. But what’s most exciting is that the best film scores of 2023 are...
In this episode of The Pitchfork Review podcast, our critics talk about some of their faves from our 50 Best Albums of 2023 list and lament a few of the year’s biggest disappointments. By PitchforkDecember 7, 2023 Play/Pause Button Lil Yachty (photo by Erika Goldring/FilmMagic), ANOHNI...
Best New Songs of 2023 (So Far): Song of the Year Contenders (vulture.com)BEST OF 2023MAR. 7, 2023By Justin Curto and Alex Suskind 省流:有拉拉打雷的《A&W》 Yes, we know, it’s not even spring. But that won’t stop us from celebrating the best songs (so far, of course) from ...
Best Movies of 2023Determining the “best” movies is subjective and can vary depending on personal tastes and preferences. However, here are some highly rated movies from 2023 that received positive reviews.Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse140 min |Animation, Action, Adventure☆Rate 8.7Miles Mo...
Best movies of 2023Determining the“best" movies is subjective and can vary depending on personal tastes and preferences. However, here are some highly rated movies from 2023 that received positive reviews.Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse140 min. |Animation, Action, AdventureRate 8.6Miles Morale...