And for extra smelly pups, acopper dog bedthat provides additional anti-microbial protection could be your best option. Reading reviews is great to give you an idea of a bed’s quality, but remember your focus should always be on your dog as an individual: What suits one dog will not ne...
Orthopedic dog beds provide extra comfort, correct misalignments, and provide support. So dive in and find the best one for your pal!
Looking for the best dog stairs? We've got you covered. Check our review and allow your canine companion access to areas that are impossible to reach!
This insert is fabulous for my 12 yr old arthritic boy. Even “orthopedic” dog beds don’t provide the support & comfort as the “sheepy wool”. Denise S “ ” The wool is very fluffy and the dogs didn’t want to get out of bed for the whole day ...
enormous circle of friends, not that I like having people in my house really. They’re ok on occasion for short bursts at a time, but I’ve grown so used to my own company that I become very impatient when the peace is disturbed by the breathing of others (little dog excepted, of ...
As our dogs age, their health needs and problems change, too. As your dog approaches his senior years, vet visits are likely to change as a result. Each vet visit is an opportunity to find out how your dog’s health is doing and how you can help him live
burrito or French fries in the bushes all the way across the street. She shed so much it took three days to blow her fur out of the old Honda when I traded it in last month. Fur will be embedded in this house forever. But that’s okay. She was Annie, the best dog in the ...
Best kitchen gadget for arthritic hands OXO No matter how much you may love the satisfying performance of well-designed kitchen gadgets, or gadgets of any kind (hello, crafting tools, tech toys, and workshop gadgets), they're hand-held by nature, and that makes many of them cumbersome or...
“Angus is a nine year-old Golden Doodle. He's the best dog we have ever had. We've always said he's like a human in a dog suit. He's always been there for us, always attentive, always ready to put his head on your lap, always ready to give love. Plus, he was fast. He ...
If you have a chewer at home, you will need the best indestructible dog bed you can get! Check out our favorites this year!