White’s percentage in the Nimzo-Indian is only 50.9% making it one of the best defenses against 1.d4. Let’s note that White could avoid it with3.Nf3or3.g3. That is why apart from the Nimzo-Indian, you should also know the Queen’s Indian Defense, the Ragozin, or some other o...
Today, I’ll guide you through one of the greatest chess games ever played: Akiba Rubinstein vs. Karel Hromadka. By analyzing this brilliant game, you’ll discover one of the most powerful opening systems for White—theBishop’s Opening. The Bishop’s Opening arises after1.e4 e5 2.Bc4. ...
As black always goes second in chess, its player has to account for the white piece already played when choosing their first move. One of the most common responses is 1. c5, which sets up a chess opening known as The Sicilian Defense (more on this later). Best chess openings Here are ...
Today, we’ll learn as the legendary chess playerPaul Morphyteaches how to play theItalian Gamethe right way so you can crush your opponents quickly. The Italian Game arises after the following opening moves:1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4. The aggressive variation we’re focusing on today emerg...
The first few moves in the chess opening lays the foundation for every chess game. Most of the chess openings have been named and analyzed for hundreds of years. It is important if you want to be successful in chess to be familiar with some of the most p
It is hard to single out the best opening trap in chess. That said, traps that leave you with a solid position even if your opponent does not fall for them are very solid. How do you stop chess opening traps? The best way to stop opening traps is to always ask yourself what your ...
Chess puzzle of the week - White to play, Illescas Cordoba - Rachels, New 国际象棋搬运bot 41 0 Tang trapped Magnus Carlsen's Queen like a chad 国际象棋搬运bot 147 0 16-year-old youngster takes on Super GM | Volodar Murzin vs Richard Rapport 国际象棋搬运bot 122 0 New Shades, New...
Truck shot from left to right of white chess pieces standing on a chessboard on a black background Premium Add to collection 4K 00:06 Player takes turns moving chess pieces on the board and presses the clock button to stop the time
The Bishop's Opening is one of the oldest openings in chess but has fallen out of favor recently. It starts with the moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 White decides to develop the light square bishop before bringing the knight to f3. The three main responses from b
It is however an opening that was well suited to the Romantic style of playing chess in the 19th century, i.e. opening lines, and fast attacking chances. So it seems a little odd that it was not really met with fanfare at the time. ...