Its hard to beat a good book when your trying to learn something new, and with the great community that has developed around the Python language, there is a plethora of free high quality e-books to choose from. Below is a quick list of some of the best. You can download a free e-b...
Intelligent Award: Best Instructor This course focuses on Python 3.6 and features a total of 32 lectures. You’ll learn how to install the Jupyter Notebook, then move on to topics including data structures, loops, functions, and more. There are five exercises along the way to ensure you com...
PythonBooks showcase the bests free ebooks about the Python programming language. The easiest way to learn Python for free! - an instant IDE to learn, build, collaborate, and host all in one place. vclFiddle - is an online tool for experimenting with the Varnish Cache VCL. Haskell Dockerfile Linter - a smarter Dockerfile linter that helps you build best practice Docker images. ▪️ Performance GTmet...
Nevertheless, it’s a useful resource to have on hand — and the best place to learn how to use the latest new features. Udacity’s and edX’s PyTorch deep learning courses I’m bundling Udacity’s Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch and edX’s Deep Learning with Python and ...
The best books to learn how to code The best way to learn to code may involve you getting up close and personal with a real book that you can follow from beginning to end. In a perfect world, this will give you a more comprehensive introduction to coding than jumping around from topic...
Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features Dan Bader(, 2017) This book illustrates valuable lesser-known Python features and best practices, written to help you gain a deeper understanding of Python. Each of the 43 subsections presents a different concept, referred to as a Py...
Source code for "Practical Deep Learning: A Python-Based Introduction" You'll find the source code included or referenced in the book in this archive. The code is organized by chapter. If the chapter is not listed, there was no code to go with it. ...
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to leverage other apps and programs that aren't Python, wrapping them or launching them from your Python scripts using the subprocess module. You'll learn about processes all the way up to interacting with a process as
If you want to learn more about importing data with pandas, check out this cheat sheet on importing various file types with Python. Importing data from SQL databases To load data from a relational database, use pd.read_sql() along with a database connection. import sqlite3 # Establish a...