The Pacific Northwest Ballet School has been considered one of the top ballet schools in the United States, and probably the best ballet school on the West Coast. The Academy offers classical ballet training from the children’s through pre-professional levels, along with performance opportunities t...
澳大利亚芭蕾舞学校(The Australian Ballet School)是世界著名的芭蕾舞教育机构之一,其卓越的教学水准和丰富的舞蹈传统使其在国际舞蹈界享有盛誉。 学校历史与成就: 澳大利亚芭蕾舞学校成立于1964年,总部位于澳大利亚墨尔本市。创始人吉德恩·斯万(Dame Peggy van Praagh)是一位备受尊敬的芭蕾舞者和编舞家。学校建立初期,...
The Ballet School Savannah specializes in Classical Ballet and Traditional Character Dance. We also offer programs in Jazz, Tap, Yoga, and Pilates. We have the
The Ballet School格拉斯哥芭蕾公寓周围都是居民楼,晚上白天基本都很安静,经常有松鼠出没(另一方面证明环境好)全部是Studio房型,我住的Silver Studio面积就有25平米,187镑一周,比大多数公寓同面积的Studio便宜了。最大的特点是四面大玻璃落地窗,约等于一面墙的玻璃,白天简直神仙。 The Ballet School格拉斯哥芭蕾公寓厨房...
Ballet School Holidays MEET OUR STAFF Currently, our team comprises of skilled professionals dedicated to dance, music and vocal education: Teachers of ballet, jazz, hip hop, social dance, musicians, vocalists who are early childhood educators and performers who strive to bring out the best in st...
位于格拉斯哥西区的The Ballet School公寓,是2013年由原苏格兰芭蕾中心改建的,由两幢建筑楼构成,提供各类不同面积的单间套房,设施齐全,生活方便。附近拥有咖啡店、餐馆、商店等便利设施,公寓外有庭院,是享受安静户外、呼吸新鲜空气的好去处。另外,公寓旁边还有Willowbank公寓,可以方便学生使用其内的会客区、健身房以及影院...
This is a very special opportunity to witness the achievements of gifted young dancers from one of the best ballet schools in the world. For a summary of the 2019 Summer Performance programme, please see the Royal Ballet School website. Free Tickets for Under 18s are now on sale for the...
在英国读艺术高中可以选择的院校非常丰富,就拿舞蹈类来说,皇家芭蕾舞学校就是世界顶尖芭蕾舞学校之一。它的高中阶段学习为3年制,学生16岁就可以申请,具体的要求根据学生的自身基础决定。如果您想了解英国留学申请更多信息,请参考:英国皇家芭蕾舞学校The Royal Ballet School一年学费多钱。
皇家芭蕾学校(The Royal Ballet School)为11至19岁的年轻舞者提供全日制古典芭蕾培训,并与常规学术课程同步进行。 作为世界上最顶尖的古典芭蕾训练中心之一,学校分布在伦敦市中心的两个校区,并与皇家芭蕾舞团(The Royal Ballet)和伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞团(Birmingham Royal Ballet)联系紧密,学生在全年中会有许多机会与这两大...
Peace, quiet, flexibility. In the heart of Glasgow’s West End and where modern and classic meet. That’s The Ballet School. Plenty of shared spaces where friends come together and are always lively. And a private courtyard – that’s always tranquil. ...