> Literature & Fiction(文学与虚构类) > 华研外语 > 【预售】英文原版 100 Years of The Best American Short Stories 美国百年短篇故事精萃 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 瑞雅进口图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.6 中 物流履约: 4.5 中 ...
《纽约时报》文学增刊《纽约时报书评》近期发布了一份重磅榜单——“21世纪100部最佳图书”(The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century),其中有整整48部图书由企鹅兰登书屋出版。 企鹅兰登书屋 (Penguin Random House, PRH) 由贝塔斯曼全资拥有,是全球最大的图书出版商,在全球拥有12万多名员工。企鹅兰登书屋在六...
Based on a Pu Songling short story that has also been adapted into Li Han-hsiang’s The Enchanting Shadow (1960) and Wilson Yip’s eponymous 2011 film, this Tsui Hark-produced supernatural action fantasy spawned two hit sequels and remains a vital showcase of our cinema’s madcap ...
life experiences of Kaiya and Talon. The boy is a werewolf who is cursed by enemies to never be able to shift again. Throughout the course of this story, he falls in love with his arch-rival. Therefore, we recommend that Twilight franchise lovers watch this ReelShort story at least once...
1 结合你送出或收到礼物的经历,以"The Best Gift"为题,写一篇词数约100左右的文章.The Best Gift 2【题目】结合你送出或收到礼物的经历,以"T heBest Gift"为题,写一篇词数约100左右的文章.T he Best Gift 3结合你送出或收到礼物的经历,以"The Best Gift"为题,写一篇词数约100左右的文章.The Best...
比上不足,比下有余To fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start. 不遗余力Spare no effort; go all out; do one's best. 不打不成交No discord, no concord. 拆东墙补西墙Rob Peter to pay Paul. ...
Critics Consensus: A creative and energetic adaptation of a Clive Barker short story, with enough scares and thrills to be a potential cult classic. Synopsis: When struggling photographer Leon Kaufman (Bradley Cooper) meets the owner of a prominent art gallery, he sees a chance for [More] ...
0 有用 趁生命气息逗留 2024-07-04 08:54:46 重庆 仅读完1990年以后的作品,有水平,只是没加上洛丽摩尔自己,但厄普代克版有选择她的。 我要写书评 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 ...
“Chosen to Deserve” is a country-rock slammer where frontwoman Karly Hartzman confesses her unsavory past to her partner, proceeding with faith that when the story’s over, he’ll still be smiling. “We always started by tellin’ all our best stories first/So now that it's been a...
197. to beat up the story: 添油加醋/过度渲染 198. to drag one's feet: 犹豫不决/拖延时日 199. to ask for the moon: 异想天开/痴心妄想 200. to be without a hitch: 一帆风顺/手到擒来 201. to work one's tail off: 不辞辛劳/夜以继日 202. to raise hell: 怨声载道/牢骚满腹/叫...