when it comes to pull-ups, one of the most significant benefits is you only need an overhead bar to grab onto. Minimal equipment yet maximum results, this upper body exercise can be performed pretty much anywhere; in the gym, at home, outside, a hotel...
The weighted pull-up will offer you the same benefits as the basicbodyweight exercise, but you can better suit your strength level. This leads to more strength and size in your back, arms, and abs. If you have mastered the unweighted pull-up, check out what the weighted version has to ...
Dead hangsare the perfect exercise to help develop grip strength for pull-ups. They also help stretch tight upper- back muscles and can help improve shoulder mobility. These benefits make the dead hang a triple-threat exercise that should be a staple in your workouts if you want to eventually...
In traditional push-pull training, the third day is devoted to all leg exercises. A more advanced application of push-pull training splits the lower body into push and pull exercises on separate days (read more aboutpush-pull leg traininghere). The Benefits of Push-PullWorkouts When you spli...
While chin-ups are just a variation of pull-ups, most know them as completely separate movements.The chin-up and pull-up are very similar, but there is a fundamental difference between the two, and that’s hand placement. If you’re someone who’s brand new to lifting, or performing th...
Benefits of the Weighted Pull-Up Weighted pull-ups act as an expression of full body functionality. They contribute to overall strength and hypertrophy, but properly performing weighted pull-ups can also be seen as a method of proprioceptive development that benefits you far more than justgrowing ...
Because of the only subtle differences and because of the benefits they each offer separately, we see no reason not to do the pull-up and chin-up both or alternate in your training program. Combine pull-ups and chin-ups once a superset (or mechanical drop set if you will). First, do...
by doing band pull-ups, leg-assisted pull-ups, or using an assisted pull-up/chin-up machine. Alternatively, you can make these exercises harder by using a weight belt or weighted vest. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced exercisers can all enjoy the benefits of pull-ups and chin-ups. ...
Pullups are great for developing back muscles and that is the main reason for doing them. Sometimes however we are not able to do series of pullups needed to develop back muscles because our forearms get trired too quickly and fingers cannot hold onto the pullup bar fo long enough....
Some trainees may not yet have enough strength to support their bodyweight from the chinning bar, or cannot perform the desired number of repetitions. In this case, performing Pulldowns are a great way to gain the benefits of performing pull-ups until the trainee is strong enough to perform...