植树的好处 植树的好处的英文翻译,植树的好处用英语怎么说,怎么读 读音:/zhí shù de hǎo chù/ 植树的好处的英文翻译 网络The benefits of planting trees 双语例句 单词专题
35. What are the benefits (好处) of planting trees? 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析1. 改善空气质量:树木通过光合作用吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,有助于净化空气,减少温室效应。 2. 防止水土流失:树木的根系可以固定土壤,减少雨水冲刷,防止水土流失,保护生态环境。 3. 提供栖息地:树木为野生动物提供栖息地和食物,...
4. The benefits of planting trees around poultry farms 阅读理解 Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary. stick verb(stuck, stuck) push sth in [+adv./prep.]to push sth, usually a sharp object, into sth; to be pushed into sth:[VN]The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.◆...
Apple张荀: Let’s see what the benefits of planting trees are! 那让我们看看植树都有哪些好处吧! Amy陈幼晴: Trees make our kindergarten more beautiful.有了树木,我们的幼儿园才会变得更漂亮。 Luis刘麟:Trees are home to many animals and b...
At our side, there are many "environmental small guards", of course, there are a lot of damage to the environment behavior; Environmental protection of people we need to encourage them to adhere to the environmental protection, destroy the people we need to tell them the benefits of protecting...
Discuss the benefits of planting trees and how they contribute to the health of the planet. Mention the long-term impact on the environment, such as improved air quality, increased wildlife habitat, and reduced carbon emissions. Example: By planting these trees, we were not only beautifying our...
ecological and economic concerns when reforestation is delayed, employing traditional and novel silvicultural techniques in support of reforestation, leveraging reforestation to improve resilience of species affected by introduced pests, and the potential carbon sequestration benefits of a...
Aftercompletingtheunit,youwillbeableto:?usewordsandexpressionsintheunittodescribeplants.?usethesimplefuturetensetotalkaboutthebenefitsofplants.?describetheimportanceofplants.完成complete完成completelyadv.完全地能够做…一般将来时describev.描述,形容descriptionn.描述describesth.to…描述…给 ...
Trees provide many benefits, such as producing oxygen, providing shade, reducing air pollution, and improving water quality. By planting and caring for trees, we can help to combat climate change and create a healthier planet for future generations.在植树节这一天,人们鼓励种植树木,参与植树活动,并...
In conclusion, trees are vital for the health of our planet and our own well-being. They offer numerous benefits, from providing oxygen and regulating the climate to providing us with food and medicine. However, they face many threats, and it is essential that we work towards ...