After more than 20 years as an ABC News anchor, an on-air panic attack sent Dan Harris's life in a new direction: he became a dedicated meditator and, to some, even a guru. In a wise, funny talk, he shares his years-long quest to improve his relationships (starting with himself)...
After more than two decades as an anchor for ABC News, an on-air panic attack sent Dan Harris's life in a new direction: he became a dedicated meditator and, to some, even a guru. But then an anonymous survey of his family, friends and colleagues turned
because the woman who was running the retreat, my teacher, her name is Spring Washam, she kept insisting that if I wanted to be less of a jerk to other people, I needed to start by being less of a jerk to myself, which I thought was the kind of thing you ...
The benefits of not being a jerk to yourself - Dan Harris Podcast Episode 2022 14m YOUR RATING RateTalk Show Add a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Details Edit ...
What are the benefits of doing Squats? Many lifters consider the Squat the king of all exercises. Bodybuilders, powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters, Crossfitters, and athletes of all kinds include Squats in their training. It’s considered a fundamental exercise. ...
24.Of course,Gabrielle only sawher young gardeneras a way toinfuse her life with a little excitement. 加布丽尔只是让年轻的园丁 给她的生活添点色彩 25.But now shewas about todiscover just how exciting her life could get. 不过她马上就会发现 她的生活会如此多姿多彩 ...
a friendship can endure these changes,9one or both of the friends for some reason decide not to invest the time and energy involved in the adjustment period. In this situation, breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories about10was...
The great thing about going out alone is, unlike going out with friends, you’re not a jerk if you suddenly switch the plan or leave early. So, go with an open mind and be flexible if you decide to change things up. 7. Let someone know where you’re going. ...
C. She went to the meeting with her roommate.D She can get the materials given out at the meeting.10. A. He has been sick recently.B. He wants an apartment near his work.C. He is tired of looking for an apartment.D He has been looking for a new job for a long time.Section ...
At 3,2,1… Go, begin your set of bench press. Re-rack the bar and move with intent to the erg. Work at a hard effort and note the time to complete your row distance. Your goal is to have 4 row efforts with are pretty similar outcomesandas little time as possible. In other words...