《铃儿响叮当》是詹姆斯·罗德·皮尔彭特于1857年创作的歌曲,初版歌名为《一匹马的雪橇(The One Horse Open Sleigh)》。1859年,正式更名为《铃儿响叮当(Jingle Bells)》。1889年,首次以唱片形式发行,成为第一首圣诞节热门歌曲。《铃儿响叮当》是首曲调流畅、情绪欢快的歌曲,描写了一群孩子冒着大风雪,坐...
Most of the poem is a more hurried trochaic tetrameter.[4]The bells of which he writes are thought to be those he heard from Fordham University's bell tower, since Poe resided in the same neighborhood as that university. He also frequently strolled about Fordham's campus conversing with ...
Bells Finest 金铃威士忌 brown bells phr. 小花贝母 merry bells phr. 快乐钟声 purple bells 紫铃草 相似单词 bells 排钟 sleigh bells 雪橇的铃铛 coral bells n. [植]珊瑚钟 ring n. [C] 1.圈;环;环形物 2.戒指;耳环 3.年轮;围成一圈的人(或物) 4.圆形灶盘 5.马戏场;拳击场 6.(不...
Rachmaninov: The Bells; Taneyev: John of Damascus豆瓣评分:8.5 简介:《钟声》是他提给门格尔贝格的又一伟大作品,在这里他倾注了所有的表现力。这首作品是根据美国的天才诗人爱伦坡一首诗《钟》谱曲而成。爱伦坡这样写道―― 1、你听那雪橇的银铃 那银色的小钟/它们
Bells, bells, bells - 铃铛,铃铛,铃铛—— From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells. 来自那铃铛的叮呤当啷。 II 二 Hear the mellow wedding bells - 听那柔和的婚礼钟铃—— Golden bells! 金制的钟铃! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells! 那和谐之音预示着怎样一个幸福世界!
The Bells, poem by Edgar Allan Poe, published posthumously in the magazine Sartain’s Union (November 1849). Written at the end of Poe’s life, this incantatory poem examines bell sounds as symbols of four milestones of human experience—childhood, youth
Bells were first used at the Exchange in the 1870s with the advent of continuous trading. A Chinese gong was the original bell of choice. But in 1903, when the Exchange moved to its current building, the gong was replaced by a brass bell -- electrically operated and large enough in size...
Golden bells What a world of happiness Their harmony foretells Through the balmy air of night How they ring out their delight Through the dances and the yells And the rapture that impels How it swells How it dwells On the future How it tells From the swinging and the ring...