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I’m not a believer in “never quit” and I give the “do hard things!” shouters the sideways glance, but yes, the hard stuff has a ton of value. You build confidence. You gain skills. You build resilience. You gain insight. Do the hard things and take the credit. Now write ...
just as we the audience watch all these permutations from our safe position outside the “fourth wall” which separates the stage from reality. But are we so different from the players on the
RICH TOMMASO | AA-TABLE #TBDBlack Phoenix, The Believer magazine, Dick Tracy, Black Hammer, Spy SealWILFREDO TORRES | AA-TABLE #TBDSuperman ’78, Legion, Jupiter’s Circle, The Shadow: Year One, Lobster JohnsonLISA TRUSIANI | AA-TABLE #TBDBarbieFRED VAN LENTE | AA-TABLE #TBDAmazing ...
Shermer’s own passage from believer to skeptic, and what he learned along the way that drove him into a professional career of the scientific study of belief systems. From narrative stories Dr. Shermer turns to an architecture of belief systems, how they are formed, nourished, reinforced, ...
believe - follow a credo; have a faith; be a believer; "When you hear his sermons, you will be able to believe, too" accept - consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument" rely, trust, swear, bank - have confidence or faith in; "...
I’m a firm believer that given the right time and place you could have as much fun driving the 2022 Ram TRX as you could any supercar. With its 1/1, 000-of-a-second chronograph timing ability, you’ll find dial displays on the Precisionist that show tenths, hundredths and thousandths...
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A firm believer in crypto, he received backlash in 2021 after Refinable—a token and NFT platform that he personally backed and promoted—plunged in value. The helicopter has the wood veneer that is featured on the Riverwood dashboard and the seats feature the “copperhead shape and basketweave...
Have patience, believer: Eternity will right the wrongs of time. - Charles Spurgeon Best advice I got when I entered academica: "We're all smart. Distinguish yourself by being kind." - copied Dance like Frosty, Shine like Rudolph, Give like Santa, Love like Jesus. A successful man ...