因此,西方译论之初就依附于哲学思想而产生,就变为理所当然的事情。 Adds on Socrates, in Plato and Asia gentleman Dude, they are the Western academic thought origin.Beginning therefore, the West translates discusses attaches in the philosophic thinking produces, becomes the natural matter.[translate]...
Thelogicbeginningofwesternphilosophyanditshistoricalevolution 第28卷第4期 Vo1.28No.4 周口师范学院学报 JournalofZhoukouNormalUniversity 2011年7月 Ju1.2011 西方哲学的逻辑发端及其致思本体的历史演变 谭琳 (河南大学马克思主义学院,河南开封475001) 摘要:对本体的形上致思,作为西方哲学最基本的特征与内容,以丰富的内...
Since its first publication in 1945, Lord Russell's A History of Western Philosophy has been universally acclaimed as the outstanding one-volume work on the subject -- unparalleled in its comprehensiveness, its clarity, its erudition, its grace and wit. In seventy-six chapters he traces philosop...
第一卷:ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY第一卷第一章:The rise of greek civilization 第一卷第二章:The Milesian school 第一卷第三章:Pythagoras 第一卷第四章:Heraclitus 第一卷第五章:Parmenides 对何为真理、何为虚幻(幻觉)进行了发问。对语言是否能指代真理进行了讨论。 第一卷第六章:Empedocles:对于世界的基本属性进...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《英文原版 The History of Western Philosophy西方哲学史 罗素著》。最新《英文原版 The History of Western Philosophy西方哲学史 罗素著》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《英文原版 The History of
Philosophy begins with Thales, who fortunately, can be dated by the fact that he predicted an eclipse which, according to the astronomers, occurred in the year 585 B.C. Philosophy and science-which were not originally separate-were therefore born together at the beginning of the sixth century ...
Bertrand Russell, The History of Western Philosophy. ISBN: 978-0-671-20158-6 Russell 的这本西方哲学史我读得比较粗略,倒不是因为买的是纯英文版或者部头太大,而是因为之前已经读了好几本有关西方哲学史的书籍,很多内容都比较熟悉了,不想花时间再看一遍。因而这本书我仅仅大致浏览了一下,所写的读书笔记...
张含,男,1983年生,中山大学哲学博士,加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)访学生。现为湖南师范大学公共管理学院哲学系讲师,主要研究方向为科学技术哲学、知识论、心灵哲学、认知科学哲学。主讲课程包括《知识论导论》、《心灵哲学》、《分析哲学》等。曾在《哲学研究》,《哲学动态》,《自然辩证法通讯》等刊物发表...
1.History... of Western... Philosophy.2.What is Philosophy?a)How it arises.b)Marks of a philosophical question.c)The task of philosophy.d)Key concerns (divisions) of philosophy.3.When did philosophy begin?4.Meaning of History.a)The Biblical worldview.b)Where is meaning found?c)Biblical ...