Beginner's Guide to Spatial, Temporal and Spatial-Temporal Ecological Data Analysis with R-INLA, Volume 2 £195.00 More Info Bayesian Analysis of Spatially Structured Population Dynamics £74.99 More Info › Browse titles in R (Programming Language) Other titles from Blackwell ‹ ...
expectancies, affective and cognitive responses to triggers). According to the I-PACE model, usage motives play a key factor in using SNSs and refer to the expectations about the
The group contained 12 nursing and medical oncology staff, which came from diverse background (beginner / professional nurse, ordinary nurse/head nurse), at different stages of the treatment process. The group setting was safe and supportive, group met once each week for an hour and half, 7 ...
179,317 on chromosome 9 overlaps with a domestication sweep (Additional file2: Table S16). The gene within the domestication sweep that is closest to the GWAS signal is Rc09G019869 which is also in a high LD
to a small sub-system of the city and the variation of the buildings’ vulnerability and expected damage is evaluated using a recently introduced methodology for risk assessments at the urban scale. Finally, a cost–benefit analysis is performed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed ...
Parametric tests can be used to make strong statistical inferences when data are collected using probability sampling. But in practice, it’s rarely possible to gather the ideal sample. While non-probability samples are more likely to at risk for biases like self-selection bias, they are much ...
A Beginner’s Guide to Factor Analysis: Focusing on Exploratory Factor Analysis. Tutor. Quant. Methods Psychol. 2013, 9, 79–94. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Iversen, G.R.; Kleinbaum, D.G.; Kupper, L.L.; Muller, K.E. Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariate Methods. J. Am...
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significant differences in group means were found between the expert group (M = 22.29, SD = 3.16) and all other groups (beginner M = 14.60, SD = 1.82; intermediate M = 16.84, SD = 2.56; advanced M = 19.60, SD = 3.24) as well as between the advanced group and the beginner and int...
A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling, 4th ed.; Routledge: London, UK, 2016. [Google Scholar] Briwbe, M.W.; Cudeck, R. Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit. Sociol. Methods Res. 1992, 21, 230–258. [Google Scholar] Hu, L.T.; Bentler, P.M. Couoff Criteria for...