The bees go buzzing one by one. Hoorah! Hoorah! The bees go buzzing one by one. Hoorah! Hoorah! The bees go buzzing one by one. The little one stops to have some fun. And they all go flying high, in ...
嘿,朋友!给你找了个不错的资源 赶紧点击[儿歌-0159.The Bees Go Buzzing Kids Songs Super Simple Songs.mp3]去看看吧,相信你会喜欢的。 希望这个资源能解决你的问题。还有其他实用的资源想让我推荐不?
* Videos may display advertisements. See where you canwatch Super Simple ad-free. Listen “The Bees Go Buzzing” is a new take on the classic kids song, “The Ants Go Marching”. Fly along with these bumble bees as they make their way back to their hive. It’s a great song for tea...
The bees go buzzing eight by eight. The little one stops to pollinate. And they all go flying high, in the sky. To go back, to their hive. Buzz, buzz, buzz. The bees go buzzing nine by nine. Hoorah! Hoorah! The bees go buzzing nine by ni...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《妈妈教你唱英文童谣:The Bees Go Buzzing》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
《The Bees Go Buzzing》 《The Bees Go Buzzing》是一首很受欢迎的英文启蒙儿歌。 这首歌主要是通过简单且不断重复的歌词来帮助幼儿学习与蜜蜂相关的英语词汇和声音模仿。歌曲节奏轻快,旋律动听,很容易让小朋 - FOX于20241204发布在抖音,已经收获了504个喜欢,来抖音
037.The Bees Go Buzzing 2播放 030.The Farmer In The Dell 1播放 034.There's A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea 0播放 001.Baby Shark 1播放 031.The Ants Go Marching 0播放 035.Down By The Bay (Part 2) 0播放 036.The Ants Go Marching #2 0播放 017.What Do You Hear 1播放 032.Down...
8 Little Planets Adding Up To 10 Pink Purple Orange Brown Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Bumble Nums Version) The Ants Go Marching #2 The Bees Go Buzzing Red Yellow Green Blue The Ants Go Marching Worksheets(64) Adding Up To 10 Pink Purple Orange Brown Worksheet – Color By Numbers ...
To go back, to their hive. Buzz, buzz, buzz. 蜜蜂一只一只嗡嗡叫。 吼哈!吼哈! 蜜蜂一只一只嗡嗡叫。 吼哈!吼哈! 蜜蜂一只一只嗡嗡叫。 小家伙停下来要玩耍。 蜜蜂全都高高飞,飞上天空。 要飞回去,回蜂巢。 嗡嗡叫。 The bees go buzzing two by two. ...
037.The Bees Go Buzzing 2播放 030.The Farmer In The Dell 1播放 034.There's A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea 0播放 001.Baby Shark 1播放 031.The Ants Go Marching 0播放 035.Down By The Bay (Part 2) 0播放 036.The Ants Go Marching #2 0播放 017.What Do You Hear 1播放 032.Down...