Chubby the Bear is a cub who lives in a forest with other bears and his friends Roly Poly, a raccoon, Bucky, a beaver, and a swarm of friendly bees. Bullied and taunted by the other bears because of his weight and deeply hurt by their behavior, Chubby thinks at first of ways to re...
The Bees in Your Backyard: Book ReviewRayees Ahmad BhatAkiNik PublicationsWilson JS, Carril OJM. 2016. The bees in your backyard. New Jersey: Princeton University Press; p. 118-148.
My housemate sleeps all day, makes art all night, and paints giant bees. Back to Me: A Love Letter, on purpose Dec 23, 2024 by Stephanie Vanderslice I find you on your back, on the floor in front of the sink. Your eyes, your beautiful blue eyes, are open, but you are not brea...
As Bond saidinIdle Beekeeper: The Low-Effort, Natural Way to Raise Bees, published in 2019, when he was asked to share his secret of success: “Oh, I just rinsed out the jars.” Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Reddit
He joined Nature in 2019 after studying for a PhD, on the problems facing bees, at the University of Birmingham.* Senior Multimedia Editor Dan Fox, MSci, Springer Nature, UK Dan produces short films and audio for Nature. He joined the team in 2019 after stints making...
Nick Flynn, who generated considerable buzz for his first collection, Some Ether, has followed it up with a project book about bees.… continue reading...No comments The Etiology of Rafael Campo By RMann July 14, 2010 Reviews by Rafael Campo. Duke University Press, 2002. $15.95 (paper)...
You can write the most brilliant book in history, but if the first sentence is a snoozer, it’s unlikely anyone will ever know about it. Author Peggy Hesketh writes: . First sentence:“The bees travel along the high-tension wires, just as surely as one true sentence follows the next....
The beautfiful cover is spot on as this book relates the last days of Van Gogh’s life with the Gachet family in Auvers-sur-Oise. It’s based upon the latest research on Van Gogh’s life and his work. Februarywill see us back in the 21stcentury withGrey Beesby Andrey Kurkov. (Ukra...
(at times it sounds like animal collective's “the bees”, but makes that haunting track sound like a lullaby in comparison.) built around the bone-curdling sound of a zither warping in and out of tune, andersson sings of riches-- “strawberry, melon, cherry on top…the haga castle ...
My book is here at last! Of course I have to mention my own first!Pollinator Friendly Gardening: Gardening for Bees, Butterflies and Other Pollinatorsoffers much to the gardener wishing to make meaningful changes, big or small, to welcome and support these vital creatures. After many years of...