[Middle English, from Latinsurreptīcius, fromsurreptus, past participle ofsurripere,to take away secretly:sub-,secretly; seesub-+rapere,to seize; seerep-inIndo-European roots.] sur′rep·ti′tious·lyadv. sur′rep·ti′tious·nessn. ...
Welsh Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Idioms Wikipedia Related to Welsh:Wales Welsh 1 a language of Wales, belonging to the S Celtic branch of the Indo-European family. Welsh shows considerable diversity between dialects 2 a white long-bodied lop-eared breed of pig, kept chiefly for bacon ...
Mencken Murray Rothbard Peter Brimelow Revilo Oliver Bible Authors Arthur Jensen John Toland 54 38 37 21 20 19 14 13 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 Fortune (3), Organic Gardening (2), Beekeepers (1), and Opera News (1). Respondents could list more than one favorite non-fiction writer, so the...
Shardingis a technique that divides a parent blockchain into several sub-chains (shards) to improve performance, reduce response time, and overcome scalability matters. Nodes would then be assigned to individual sub-chains and communicate in parallel at the same time [60,81]. Furthermore, this ...
[Middle English, from Latinsurreptīcius, fromsurreptus, past participle ofsurripere,to take away secretly:sub-,secretly; seesub-+rapere,to seize; seerep-inIndo-European roots.] sur′rep·ti′tious·lyadv. sur′rep·ti′tious·nessn. ...
The nests were removed with the help of beekeepers, SEAGA (surveillance and control program in Galicia for V. velutina), the Prevention, Fire Extinction, Rescue and Civil Protection Service of the City Council of Ourense, Agrupación Apícola de Galicia, and the personnel of CEIP Sergude in th...
This second individual was a farmer and beekeeper living in southwestern Mexico presenting with multiple nodular lesions in the right ear [36]. In Greece, a histologically confirmed case was reported in a 64-year-old woman without any travel history to Central or South America, marking the ...