Irish novelist Paul Murray, the acclaimed author of "Skippy Dies," returns with"The Bee Sting"(Farrar, Straus and Giroux), a tragicomedy about the changing fortunes of a prosperous family. In the wake of a global "crash," the parents (the manager of a car dealership, and a legendary bea...
–Dave Goulson, author ofA Sting in the TaleandThe Garden Jungle "Bringing Back the Beaveris brilliant: passionate, humorous, inspiring, and full of hope. It's not just about beavers – it's about humans too, and how, when we really set our minds to it, we can make a difference. I...
Lloyd Warner and Paul Lunt led a team of sociologists that conducted extensive interviews and surveys of the inhabitants of what they referred to as “Yankee City.” As reported in their first book on the project, The Social Life of a Modern Community (1941), Warner and Lunt saw this same...
–Dave Goulson, Professor of Biology at the University of Sussex and author of A Sting in the Tale"A vivid dispatch from the front line of conservation, Owls of the Eastern Ice is engrossing and uplifting; an inspiring story of vital work undertaken with utter determination in wild and ...
Paul McCartneyhas never rested on his Beatles laurels, asThe McCartney Legacy Vol. 2 1974-1980(Dey Street) shows how his post-Beatles adventures included the release of four solo albums, dabbling in music publishing, experimenting as a science fiction writer and filmmaker, recording in Nashville...
It was ecstasy feeling the blows of your bony hand and your chanting ‘bad boy, bad boy, bad boy’ over and over until you got tired and left me alone in the darkened cloak room to contemplate the sting of my misbehavior. I never knew what I had done to warrant the spankings, but ...
I’m starting my 15th year at the school library this Fall. I am full-time now and my duties have expanded to cleaning the glass on the copy machine, and sometimes, shelving paperback books. My psychologist has proposed marriage to me. I think it may be illegal, but I am going to gi...
“Fuchs’ Williamsburg is full of Communists and bookies, wanna-be Edisons hoping to make a fortune, young lovers trysting in McCarren Park on hot nights, Talmudic scholars, jewelers, and crooks — he wrote a world, now a lost world.” The story takes place over two days and centers on...
i St. John's there is a building called the Murray Not that Breakwater can't play typical publisher when it Premises. It's the sort of thing seen around tbe world - en old wants to. At the gathering for Part of the Mdn - an iUu.v werehouse turned by gentrif~tion into a terribly...
Leigh Montville’s 2017 book, “Sting Like a Bee: Muhammad Ali vs. the United States of America, 1966-1971,” Doubleday, 368pp. Click for copy. “The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on Life's Journey,” by Muhammad Ali & daughter, Hana, 2013 paperback, Simon & Schuster, 236pp. ...