\ Genre: Coming of Age Publisher: St. Martin’s Press Pub. Date: July 22, 2025 In the summer of 1999, we meet 17-...
But maybe not the one you’re thinking of. In our own very peculiar way we honor David Lynch by discussing the feature film he probably liked the least, 1984’s “Dune.” Sting with a knife! Patrick Stewart riding a sandworm! How does it all compare with the modern version? Does it ...
It is my week off. But you can always learn more about any of the books I’ve been reading by checking out myread bookshelf on Goodreads. Ricki I am writing this on a shuttle on my way home from the fantastic NCTEAR Conference (woohoo!). I am full of love and learning, and so ...
It was true that the viscount’s younger brother Hugo had died quite suddenly the year before, but such things did not necessarily run in families, and besides, even though Hugo had died by himself out of doors, no one had noticed a bee sting on his skin. Then again, nobody had ...
GoodReads: Purchase LinksAmazonBarnes & NobleAppleBooks-A-MillionKoboIndieBound Be sure to enter theRafflecopter giveawayfor your chance to win a signed copy of The Water Tower and a bookmark ...
So much so that during my final summer coming back to Mount Vernon to work in 1992, I finally bought the album. I took my rare Friday evening at the beginning of August away from theduties of older brother and surrogate summer parentand took the 40 Bee-line bus up to The Galleria in...
Hm, can you pass me a slice of that Bienenstich (German Bee Sting Cake) before you go? * * * How about you, Displaced Nationers? What are your Global Life Ingredients? Let us know! And if you like Cate’s prescriptions, be sure to check out her website, Small Planet Studio, ...
A fiery sting spreads across my neck as I reach over to pick it off the nightstand. It’s Miranda. She’s been blowing up my phone for the better part of the afternoon, eight calls and twelve text messages. “Hey, missy.” I groan. “Cloud, what happened? Why aren’t you ...
I must admit , I thought I had never heard of her until I trawled my own goodreads and found one of hers from 2 years ago I 3 starred (my version of a 1) with no actual review (meaning I disliked). I had to read the blurb to even remember what it was about and then other ...
Add it to your shelf:Goodreads Blurb:A lady must have money and an army of her own if she is to win a revolution—but first, she must pit her wits against the wiles of an irresistible rogue bent on wrecking her plans…and her heart. ...